An Investigation to determine the effect of Substrate Concentration on the Enzyme Catalase

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AS Biology Coursework         Candidate Number: 8087        Centre Number: 14413

An Investigation to determine the effect of Substrate Concentration on the Enzyme Catalase



The aim of this assignment is to determine and prove with evidence from experiments, how the substrate concentration of Hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme Catalase. 

BACKGROUND – On Biological Catalysts, Enzymes

Many chemical reactions in living organisms would occur very slowly, if we did not have special catalysts, which is a substance that lowers the activation energy required for a reaction, and therefore increases the rate of the reaction without being used up in the process. Enzymes are biological catalysts, responsible for metabolism and its regulation within living organisms. These molecules have catalytic sites onto which substrates fit in by using a lock-and-key manner to trigger and control metabolism throughout the body.

Diagram 1 (A Diagram showing a typical structure of an Enzyme, Globular Protein)


Enzymes are globular proteins, which are coiled into a precise three-dimensional shape, with hydrophilic (‘water loving’) R groups (side chains) on the outside of the molecule allowing them to be soluble. Enzyme molecules also possess a special feature, which they use to convert substrates into products, known as an active site. In the enzyme’s globular structure one or more Polypeptide chains twist and fold, bringing together a small number of amino acids to form this active site, which is either in the form of a depression or a cleft, to which another molecule or molecules can bind. These so called ‘molecules’, are substrates of the enzyme, which fit perfectly into the active site, and are held in place by temporary bonds which form between the substrate and some of the R groups of the enzyme’s amino acids. This combined structure is the enzyme –substrate complex.


Some enzymes speed up reactions where molecules are broken down (as shown in Diagram 2), others catalyse reactions where large molecules are built up from smaller ones.

Diagram 2 (A simplified diagram of enzyme function)


 [This Diagram has been derived from an Image from ‘Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia]

Activation Energy - Energy is stored in the bonds that hold atoms together in a molecule. When substrates react, bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. When there is no enzyme, reactions do not occur readily because the substrate(s) do not have enough energy to be converted to a product. The extra energy that needs to be given is the activation energy. Enzymes decrease activation energy by providing an active site which holds the substrate(s) in such a way that their molecules’ reactions occur more easily than elsewhere in the solution.

Graph 1 (A Graph showing how an Enzyme affects the Activation Energy of a Reaction)

Table 1 (A Table showing the Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity)


More Specific Information

Since, I am investigating to determine the affect of substrate concentration on enzyme activity, and as enzymes are subject specific and only perform one particular reaction, I have to use an appropriate type of substrate molecule and its specific enzyme. The substrate that I am going to be using is Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), which is a poisonous byproduct of metabolism that can damage cells if it is not removed. Catalase is an enzyme, which is specific for this substrate, and present in nearly every aerobic cell, and serves to protect the cell from the toxic effects of H2O2. It catalyses (speeds up) the decomposition (breakdown) of hydrogen peroxide into less harmful products, molecular Oxygen gas (O2) and water (H2O), without the production of free radicals.

The obvious reason why Catalase and Hydrogen peroxide were chosen for this assignment is because Catalase is a particularly efficient enzyme. It has the ability to bind with Hydrogen Peroxide molecules and split them into water and Oxygen and release these products at a rate of 107 molecules per second. [Data obtained from the OCR Textbook] This high rate shows an importance for the enzyme’s capability for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide and preventing the formation of carbon dioxide in the blood.


After some research into the enzymes and their specific substrates, which I accomplished by referring to secondary pieces of information, including the OCR textbook and the Internet, I have gained a wider knowledge of the whole topic. By doing this, I now have enough evidence and scientific knowledge to predict what is likely to happen during my experiment.


Graph 2 (A Graph showing My First Prediction)

Prediction 1(a): If all the factors, which affect the enzyme activity, were kept constant, I predict that as substrate concentration increases, the initial rate of reaction of the decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide also increases. 


  • This is because, when the substrate concentration increases the number of substrate molecules in the solution increase as well, meaning more substrate molecules around and available during the reaction. As a consequence an enzyme’s active site can bind with the substrate molecules more frequently. Hence, more products being formed in a certain amount of time.

Prediction 1(b): However, if the substrate concentration was further increased keeping the enzyme concentration constant, I think that there will be a point where no further increase in the initial rate of reaction will be noticed.

  • I assume this because, when there’s a large amount of substrate molecules in the reaction solution, the enzymes will be working continuously, because all their active sites will be filled with substrate molecules, meaning that this would be the maximum rate of reaction. Hence, even if a solution with a greater number of substrate molecules was used and the same amount of enzymes were present, the reaction will not get any faster. In cases like this, it can be considered as the “substrate molecules are effectively ‘ queuing up’ for an active site to become vacant” [Extract taken from OCR, BIOLOGY 1, textbook]. As can be seen from graph 2, when the curve levels off, this would be the point at which the enzymes are working at their maximum possible rate, the Vmax point. From this point, since enzyme concentration becomes the limiting factor, the rate of reaction can only be increased by adding more enzymes.  

The reason why I have decided to look at the initial rate of reaction rather than studying the rate throughout the reaction is because, as the reaction proceeds, even though the number of enzyme molecules remain constant, the substrate molecules are broken down forming products. Hence, the number of substrate molecules decrease and the number of product molecules increase. As a consequence the initial substrate concentration will not be maintained throughout the reaction, so when it comes to looking at the relationship between the rate of reaction and substrate concentration, the substrate’s concentration would gradually be changing. Therefore, initial rate of reaction should be considered and plotted, as at the start the substrate concentration wouldn’t have significantly decreased, so making the assumptions valid.

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Graph 3 (A Graph showing My Second Prediction)


Prediction 2(a): Again, if all factors were kept constant, I predict that as the time increases, the volume of Oxygen produced in the reaction between Catalase and H2O2 will increase, until after some time the rate at which Oxygen is produced would gradually slow down, and eventually completely stop. The initial reaction when the substrate molecules are added to the enzyme molecules, would be very swift, hence, I am expecting my results to produce a straight line on the graph, within the first ...

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