An investigation to see how different concentrations of aspirin affects hydrogen peroxide breakdown by liver catalase

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An investigation to see how different concentrations of aspirin affects hydrogen peroxide breakdown by liver catalase


Aspirin is one of the most widely used medicines.  It is very affective in pain relief, and also provides anti-inflammatory action.  However, it is known to have side affects.  Repeated use may cause gastrointestinal bleeding, and larger doses can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and hallucinations.  The key compound in aspirin is salicylic acid.  The average dose 0.3-1g, however 10g or more, in a dose, can be fatal.  This is a molecular diagram of aspirin:


        H                H

        OH         C        C


        C        C            C        O


        O        C              C


        H        H

Catalase is an enzyme that speeds up the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Enzymes are biological catalysts that are necessary for life.  Without these enzymes, life, and the processes involved, would not be supported.  Catalase is a large enzyme, containing about five hundred amino acids.  It has one of the highest turnover rates of all the enzymes; one molecule of catalase can convert six million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen each minute.  This is the reaction that catalase catalysis:

2H2O2  2H2O + O2

Catalase is present in peroxisomes, which are large organelles inside cells.  Peroxisomes are involved in the oxidation of fatty acids in animals.  Catalase, like all enzymes, is affected by certain factors such as temperature and pH, as well as substrate concentration, salt concentration, and of course inhibitors and activators.  Temperature tends to increase the rate of chemical reactions.  This is due to the increase in kinetic energy that the substrates have.  Heat gives energy to the substrates, making them move faster.  The substrates are then more likely to collide, and will have more energy when they collide.  This increases the rate of the reaction.  That is, of course, up to the point where the enzyme is denatured.  It is therefore possible to slow down the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, to a more measurable rate, by controlling and keeping the temperature relatively low.  It is sensible to remember that temperatures above 40-50°C, denatures most enzymes. The pH can change the shape of an enzyme by taking away, or adding, hydrogen ions to its molecules.  If pH is too extreme, the enzymes can be denatured, thus reducing enzyme activity.  Increasing substrate concentrations, can lead to increases in reaction speeds.  This is due to increased probability of the substrate coming into contact with enzymes.  Salt concentration can also affect enzyme activity.  Every enzyme has an optimum salt concentration at which it works best.  Too high or too low concentrations of salt can lead to denaturisation.  However, the factor that I will be testing is to do with the presence of inhibitors or activators.  These molecules can interact with an enzyme, either causing the enzyme to work better, or to slow down.  There are two types of inhibitors; non-competitive and competitive inhibitors.  Non-competitive inhibitors work by deforming the shape of the active site, or the whole enzyme, which nevertheless deforms the active site.  Competitive inhibitors are molecules which have a similar structure to that of the substrate.  If the competitive inhibitor meets an enzyme, it may temporarily block the active site.  

Hydrogen peroxide is a by-product of oxidation of fatty acids.  Hydrogen peroxide is a potentially dangerous chemical that must be broken down by catalase, to avoid damage to the cell. When hydrogen peroxide is decomposed, heat and oxygen are given out.  When working with hydrogen peroxide, care must be taken due to the heat.  However, in dilute solutions, the heat is rapidly absorbed, so is not a problem.  Hydrogen peroxide is miscible with water, so diluting the hydrogen peroxide with ordinary water is a good way to reduce the dangerous affects of the liquid. There should be adequate ventilation when working with hydrogen peroxide, and there should be easy access to an ample water supply for thorough flushing of accidental spillage on surfaces and on people.  Hydrogen peroxide is a non flammable liquid, however the decomposition produces oxygen that is flammable.  If fires occur, involving hydrogen peroxide, they are best treated using water.

Reye’s syndrome is a deadly disease that can attack any child or adult.  The causes and cure are unknown, but research has proved a link between Reye’s syndrome and aspirin use or the use of the main ingredient in aspirin, salicylic acid.  Reye’s syndrome attacks all body organs, with the most damage being inflicted on the brain and liver.  There is, therefore, a link between aspirin and liver.  I shall construct a test to see if aspirin affects one of the main enzymes in liver, catalase.


Increasing the concentration of aspirin will decrease the rate of breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen by liver catalase.

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Risk assessment:

There are certain risks in this experiment that I must be constantly aware of.  These are outlined below.

I will be constantly aware of any hazards, and will know exactly what to do if something goes wrong. There is a first aid kit in the laboratory and a qualified first aider will be nearby.

Control of variables:

Concentration of aspirin

I will vary this by changing the concentration of the aspirin solution in which the beads are soaked.  I will change the aspirin concentration to see how the rate of hydrogen peroxide breakdown is affected.  The ...

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