AS Edexcel Biology - Aim: To investigate the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia (water fleas).

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Sam Lingwood                Biology Practical Investigation


The effect of caffeine on heart rate.

Aim: To investigate the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia (water fleas).

Background Information: Plants produce caffeine as an insecticide. Cocoa in South America, coffee in Africa and tea in Asia has all been used as ‘pick-me-up’ drinks containing caffeine. These days caffeine is used in a wide variety of soft drinks such as cola to enhance flavours. In addition to this, stimulant drinks such as Red Bull and Boost also carry high levels of caffeine as well as some weight-losing drugs and medicines such as Aspirin. IN humans, caffeine acts as a stimulant drug, causing increased amounts of stimulatory neurotransmitters to be released. At high levels of consumption caffeine has been linked to restlessness, insomnia and anxiety, causing raised stress and blood pressure. This can lead to heart and circulation problems.

Hypothesis: I think that the Daphnia’s heart rate will rapidly increase when the caffeine solution is added. This is because increases the amount of neurotransmitters released in the body so everything in the body will be working at a faster rate because of these.

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-Risk Assessment:

1. I need to be aware of weils disease so I will not come in to direct contact with the pond water and regularly wash my hands thoroughly throughout the experiment.

2. I will need to constantly keep my glassware on throughout the experiment to prevent any substances getting into my eyes

3. I will be using a microscope to be able to clearly see the Daphnia without getting too close to any potential harmful substances.



        1. On a cavity slide place some small strands of cotton wool on the ...

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Quite a good overall account of the investigation but analysis of the results could have been more critical, and plotting of wrong graph is a major error.