As protein denaturation can be cause by several factors such as temperature, pH, salt concentration. In this experiment, we are examining how these factors affect the denaturation of protein.

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By y.c.pong


When you heat an egg, the egg white clump together and turned white. It is because the protein in egg white undergoes denaturation, the cross linkage(the hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and disulphride bonds) which maintain the protein shape destructed, so protein lose its tertiary conformation.

This denaturing process is very important, because before protein can be used in digestion they must be unfolded.

Part A: denaturation of egg white


To examine the factors on the effect of denaturation of egg white.


As protein denaturation can be cause by several factors such as temperature, pH, salt concentration. In this experiment, we are examining how these factors affect the denaturation of protein. We use egg white, which is actually a solution of protein in water in this experiment.

After the egg white had been dilute, the egg white solution can be put in 60C and 80C water bath to test for how temperature affects denaturation. It can be record by the time need for the first change of appearance.

  To find out how pH of affect denaturation, we can add dropwise the actetic acid to the egg white solution. Beside, the NaCl can also be add dropwise to egg white, to test for how salt concentration cause denaturation. Count the number of drop of solution added for an appearance change to occur.


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  Proteins three dimension conformation is held by the interaction between its amino acids. This interaction included hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and disulphride bonds. But in some extreme condition, such as high temperature, extreme pH, high salt concentration, the protein will be denaturate. It is because the cross linkage had been broken, the secondary and tertiary structure are alter. The protein now has primary structure as peptide bonds are strong enough not to be destructed.

  In our experiment, we observed that the egg white clump together after denaturation (either by heat, pH or salt concentration). It is because ...

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Grammar clumsy and the wrong words or phrasing used in places. Spelling wrong in places. Could be prevented by simple proof reading. Punctuation is again okay but used wrongly in some places.

Results presented in a clumsy and rather basic manner, however the scientific information behind the experiment is explained accurately but again to a rather basic level. Only investigates three different temperatures which is not enough variation to draw adequate conclusions and does not use a control of any sort. Also only investigates one molarity of salt concentration and one change of PH which is again not adequate to draw any conclusions on the affect of PH as different amino acids may change or denature in reaction to a wide range of different PHs. Tries too many different types of egg and directly goes away from the main point of investigation. Provides no conclusion or analysis of results or scientific explanation.

Response to the question is distinctly average. The candidate does not set up or present the data clearly and does not analyse the results to a very high standard. In addition, all of the scientific words used are quite basic, showing only a base understanding of the different factors involved.