Beetroot Practical Write up

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Ali Attalla

Biology Coursework


Hypothesis:  To investigate the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the permeability of beetroot cell membranes.

Prediction:  By exposing a membrane to a solvent, ethanol, it will affect its permeability.  Therefore higher the concentration of the solvent, the more permeable the membrane will be.  But by increasing the concentrations of the ethanol beyond a certain point it may have no affect on the cell membrane because the ethanol would have broken down the cell membrane completely.  This is because of the effect of ethanol on the lipids in the membrane.  Also, more dye would be present as the lipids are essential to the structure of the cell membrane as they control the substances that enter and leave the cell.  Ethanol could also destroy some the proteins or denature the structure because protein has a tertiary structure.  The ethanol would destroy the hydrogen bonds that hold the protein structure.  Therefore, with the lipids and proteins destroyed in the cell membrane, the pigment is allowed to escape from the cell due to there being no cell membrane holding substances in the cell.

Scientific Knowledge:
Transfer across cell membrane structure:

There are many ways that ions and molecules are transported across the cell membrane.  By this, the cell must acquire the ions and molecules they need from their surrounding ‘’.  With the cell membrane being in contact with ethanol in the extracellular fluid, there is direct contact with the solvent.  Therefore, by diffusion the ethanol is secreted into the cell and along the way destroys the permeability of the cell membrane.

The cell transports ions and small molecules across their membranes by the following means:


By osmosis the diffusion of water through the plasma membrane is possible.  Since the lipids bilayers are impermeable to essential molecules and also to a few small molecules like oxygen and carbon dioxide, these molecules and ions diffuse freely across the cell membrane.

Diffusion or Facilitated diffusion (Passive transport):
By diffusion the ions and molecules move spontaneously across their concentration gradient (from a region of higher to a region of lower concentration).  Small, polar, hydrophilic molecules, like oxygen, and water, can pass through cell membranes by diffusion.  Where as larger hydrophilic molecules, like glucose, can pass through the cell membrane by facilitated diffusion.  In all cases of facilitated diffusion through channels, the channels are selective.  Meaning that the structure of the protein admits only certain types of molecules through (hydrophilic pores).  Where as non-polar, hydrophobic molecules are not impeded by the phospholipids in the cell membrane.  This means that they are small enough to fit between the phospholipids layers.  The factors that affect the rate of diffusion are: concentration gradient, temperature, pH (the charge), surface area, size of molecule and the width of the diffusing space.

Active transport:

By active transport, ions and molecules are forced by the use of metabolic energy to move against their concentrated gradient.  Forms of active transport are:

The ingestion of solids from outside of the cell is the process of phagocytosis.  The cell membrane encloses a particle and buds off to form a food vacuole.  Lysosomes with enzymes will fuse with it to enable digestion of the contents.  Soluble products pass out of the vacuole and are assimilated.


The ingestion of the fluid surrounding the cell is the process of pinocytosis.  The cell membrane encloses some of the fluid and pinches off to form a vesicle.  As the vesicle is closed off the materials are dispersed in the cell, which is referred to as assimilation.


Vesicles budded off from the Golgi apparatus or endoplasmic reticulum can fuse with the cell membrane, expelling their contents.


Where a substance attaches to the cell membrane, inducing it to slide or flow inwards forming a pouch.

Function and structure of cell membranes:

All cells have a cell membrane that forms the outer limit of the cell.  In the fluid mosaic model, the membrane structure consists of a double layer of phospholipid molecules, which is called the lipid bilayer, with a hydrophilic head which is on the outside of the membrane and a hydrophobic tail which is on the inside of the membrane.  The cell membrane is considerably quite fluid and this is helped by cholesterol, which help disturb the close packing of the phospholipids by breaking up the Van der Waals forces.  The proteins that float in this bilayer are either on the surface or they completely penetrate the lipid layer.  The proteins that penetrate the bilayer may control the entry and removal of specific molecules from the cell.  The proteins that are on the outer edge or on the surface of the membrane have carbohydrates molecules attached, usually short sugar chains.  These are called glycoproteins.  The carbohydrates part of the glycoproteins is important in cell recognition, which is the ability of cells in the body to tell whether or not a cell is from another individual or another organism (invading pathogens), for example, in the immune system.  Some substances, particularly carbohydrates and ions, are transported across the membrane via the proteins.  Where as some substances, including water, are transported directly through the lipid layer.

The lipids in the bilayer are soluble to organic solvents with low molecular weight molecules, such as ethanol; therefore to have beetroot in ethanol would affect the lipids in the bilayer by destroying or dissolving them.  Hence, more pigment would leak into the solution because there would be less, if any, structure to the cell membrane to hold in the pigment if the lipids have been damaged or destroyed.  

Biological molecules and cell membrane:

The cell membrane can be seen as a fluid structure in which proteins can move about depending upon the fluidity of the lipids and the amount of cholesterol.  The amount of fluidity of the membrane influences the function.  By reducing the fluidity in the cell membrane it decreases the ability of proteins to move and interact, while enhancing the fluidity it may lead to a break down in the cell membrane.  Cell membranes have been tested upon with ethanol, which have been shown to fluidise the membrane, which perhaps provides a basis for altered protein function.  Protein in its tertiary structure has been affected and altered or even denatured which affects the overall fluidity in the cell membrane and the function or interaction of the proteins.  “These influenced cellular function in the brain and body and led to the various symptoms of alcohol action.”

So not only does ethanol affect the soluble lipids in the cell membrane, it also affects the proteins in the cell membrane by altering their functions and interactions between each other.  This is because the ethanol affects the hydrogen bonding in both the lipids and peptide bonds in proteins, as this is what holds the structure together.

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The betacyanin pigment of beetroot is located in the sap vacuole and, “by means of the properties of the tonoplast and cell membrane, does not leak into the cytosol or the extra-cellular sap of the beetroot.” When beetroot is cut, the cells are sliced and naturally pigment spills out.  If the slices were thinner, thus providing a larger surface area it therefore speeds up the pigment leakage.  But if the membrane is destroyed and the phospholipid bilayer and possibly proteins are altered, more pigment, betacyanin, and leaks by means of diffusion.  The pigment serves as a marker for ...

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Overall, this is a very considerable effort on the part of the writer. A great deal of thought has been put in to the overall structure of the report. A lot of experimental work was carried out, notably a very thorough preliminary investigation which proved very valuable. The only major weakness lies with the analysis of the data collected. This is a very common issue with A'Level assignment reports. IV/DV trends should have been discussed in detail with reference to data points on the graph. Any SD calculations could then have been used to examine the reliability of the final data. The evaluation section was thorough, but it is important to assess the validity of data by examining in detail whether all the control variables were indeed controlled (kept constant). In practice, this is very hard to do. Despite these misgivings, this is an impressive piece of work.