Beetroot practical

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Why does the colour leak out of cooked beetroot?

The aim of this experiment is to investigate the effect of temperature on membrane structure.

I predict that as the temperature of the water in which the beetroot is placed increases, the amount of pigment leaked will increase. My prediction is based on the concept that cell membrane will breakdown as the temperature rises.



 White tile

 A Beetroot

 Automatic Water Bath

 Segregated knife

 A thermometer



  •  First I took the white tile and the corer. Then collected a cylinder of beetroot by pushing the corer into the beetroot and withdrawing it. The cylinder remains inside the corer.

  •  I collected 2 cylinders, and cut them into 8 pieces of 1 cm with a segregated knife. Because the beetroot has been cut some of the cell membranes had been broken, which means some pigments leaked out.
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  • I left the beetroot pieces in a beaker of distilled water for one night.

  • Next day I placed the beetroot pieces into tubes of 5 cm of distilled water and placed them into different baths with different temperatures between 0-70.

  • After 30 minutes I collected 2cm3 fluid from each water baht.

  • The fluid in each of the test tubes was analysed using a colorimeter

The variables kept constant

  •  The same diameter corer is used so to keep the surface area of each beetroot piece  the same size.

  • When the beetroot ...

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** This is a very limited piece of coursework that is lacking in a number of key areas that are needed to gain a good grade at A level. To improve: Research and Rationale. There is no background theoretical material included in this report. Additional sources beyond readily available textbooks should be used to provide a context for the experiment and to assist in the planning. References should be included. Planning. More thought needs to be focused on the key variables. Many of the important variables to be controlled are not described. The apparatus is listed but needs to be justified and full details included. The range of temperatures is identified but there is no indication as to why this particular range was chosen. No suggestions for repeating the collection of data are included. A pilot experiment would be helpful. There is no safety information included which is now a requirement for many examination boards. Implementing. The data needs to be recorded in a suitably headed table and the precision of the data (only to one percentage absorbance unit) could be improved. Since only eight readings were recorded no data processing was appropriate and this would lose credit. Analysing and Evaluating. No graph was included. The trends in the data need to be described correctly and the results should be explained using reference to basic biological knowledge. The limitations of the results should be discussed. The candidate needs to include suggestions for improving the reliability of the method.