Biology - Enzymes: Written Account of Practical Assessment

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Biology – Enzymes

Written Account of Practical Assessment

Introduction: The living cell is the site of tremendous biochemical activity called metabolism. This is the process of chemical and physical change which goes on continually in the living organism. Build-up of new tissue, replacement of old tissue, conversion of food to energy, disposal of waste material, reproduction – all activities that we characterise as “life”.

   This building up and tearing down takes place in the face of an apparent paradox. The greatest majority of these biochemical reactions do not take place spontaneously. The phenomenon of catalysis makes possible biochemical reactions necessary for all life processes. Catalysis is defined as the acceleration of a chemical reaction by some substance which itself undergoes no permanent chemical change. The catalysts of biochemical reactions are enzymes and are responsible for bringing about almost all of the chemical reactions in living organisms. Without enzymes, these reactions take place at a rate far too slow for the pace of metabolism.

   The oxidation of fatty acid to carbon dioxide and water is not a gentle process in a test tube – extremes of pH, high temperature and corrosive chemicals are required. Yet in the body, such a reaction takes place smoothly and rapidly within a narrow range of pH and temperature. In the laboratory, the average protein must be boiled for about 24 hours in a 20% HCl solution to achieve a complete breakdown. In the body, the breakdown takes place in four hours or less under conditions of mild physiological temperature and pH.

  It is through attempts at understanding more about enzyme catalysts – what they are, what they do, and how they do it – the many advances in medicine and life sciences have been brought about.  

Aim:  To investigate the hydrolysis of polysaccharide starch substrate into disaccharide maltose and find out how varying amylase concentrations affect the reaction time.

Hypothesis & Prediction:  I predict that as the enzyme concentration increases the rate of the reaction increases linearly (time decreases) because there are more enzyme molecules available to catalyse the reaction.

An analogy to help explain this phenomenon would be an automobile factory. One assembly line can crank out a dozen or so cars a day. Two assembly lines might crank out two dozen cars a day. Three assembly lines might build 3 dozen cars a day and so on....

In this example, enzymes are like the auto assembly line. Just like the enzyme, the assembly line helps convert individual auto parts into a complete auto, and as the completed car leaves, they begin to build a new auto.

The more assembly lines the less time it takes to crank the cars

I.e. the higher the concentration of amylase, the more amylase enzymes and so the less time to breakdown starch substrate

Background Information & Knowledge:

The majority of the reactions that occur in living organisms are enzyme-controlled. Without them, the rate of the reactions would be so slow as to cause serious, if not fatal, damage. Without enzymes toxins would soon build up and the supply of respiratory substrate would decrease.

Enzymes are proteins and thus have a specific shape. They are therefore specific in the reactions that they catalyse - one enzyme will react with molecules of one substrate.

The site of the reaction occurs in an area on the surface of the protein called the active site. Since the active site for all molecules of one enzyme will be made up of the same arrangement of amino acids, it has a highly specific shape.

Generally, there is only one active site on each enzyme molecule and only one type of substrate molecule will fit into it.

Chymotrypsin and trypsin both catalyse the hydrolysis of peptide bonds but due to their shapes, the active site of chymotrypsin only splits bonds after an aromatic amino acid (one containing a ring of atoms) whereas trypsin only splits bonds after a basic or straight chain amino acid.

This specificity leads to the lock and key hypothesis.

However, it has been discovered that competitors for an active site (similar in shape to the substrate) could fit even though they are larger than the substrate. This means that the substrate and active site are a little flexible.

This has lead to the induced fit model...

When the enzyme and substrate form a complex, structural changes occur so that the active site fits precisely around the substrate (the substrate induces the active site to change shape).

The reaction will take place and the product, being a different shape to the substrate, moves away from the active site. The active site then returns to its original shape.

Enzyme controlled reactions

Reactions proceed because the products have less energy than the substrates.

However, most substrates require an input of energy to get the reaction going, (the reaction is not spontaneous).

The energy required to initiate the reaction is called the activation energy.

When the substrate(s) react, they need to form a complex called the transition state before the reaction actually occurs. This transition state has a higher energy level than either the substrates or the product.

Outside the body, high temperatures often supply the energy required for a reaction. This clearly would be hazardous inside the body though! Fortunately we have enzymes that provide an alternative way with a different transition state and lower activation energy.

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The rate of the reaction without any external means of providing the activation energy continues at a much faster rate with an appropriate enzyme than without it. The maximum rate that any reaction can proceed at will depend, among other things, upon the number of enzyme molecules and therefore the number of active sites available.

 Enzyme concentration

 At low enzyme concentration there is great competition for the active sites and the rate of reaction is low. As the enzyme concentration increases, there are more active sites and the reaction can proceed at a faster rate.

Eventually, increasing the enzyme concentration beyond ...

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