Biology: Field Project

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Mide Kole-Emmanuel        Biology Coursework        17/07/09

Biology Coursework

An investigation to discover the relationship between the percentage cover of Birch seedlings and the increased light intensity

Research and Rationale

My investigation involves the plant species, Silver Birch, the generic name for this plant is Betulaceae, the purpose of this investigation is to discover the affect light intensity has upon it. Silver Birch is a deciduous tree, this type of tree naturally loses its leaves in autumn when the temperature climates. The reason for this is to overcome a water shortage which occurs due to low soil temperatures, this inhibits sufficient active uptake of water by the root system to counteract the water loss if the trees had retained their leaves¹.

It is necessary to acknowledge that when I am recording the light intensity it could mean that there is a direct link between itself and the temperature, it is likely that an increase in light intensity will follow with an increase in temperature and vice versa. There will also be a number of uncontrollable variables which I will have to record, they are the following; Wind speed, temperature, soil temperature, soil pH, soil moisture and humidity.

When I will be looking at the percentage cover of Betulaceae it will very similar to looking at the growth of the Betulaceae. It is important to look at different perceptions of biology principles in order to link them together, because of this I have now recognised that percentage cover in simpler terms is growth and growth is related to photosynthesis, the production of food and light is a direct element affecting this process.

The percentage cover of Betulaceae will likely to be affected by the light intensity; the Betulaceae will grow in a coupe which has more exposure to light intensity. The percentage cover of Betulaceae will change according to the light intensity of each site; this means that there will be a higher percentage cover in the younger coupe due to the greater exposure to light intensity. The reason why there is a higher light intensity is because there are much fewer trees which block the sunlight, unlike the older coupe. In figure 1 I have included a picture of old coupe and this shows that the trees are tall and blocking sunlight.

The reason why there are different coupes is because of a woodland system called coppicing; this system is used for the management of woodland. A common example of coppicing is short-rotation coppicing, this is when cuttings are planted closely and then at the end of the first year they are cut off (near the ground). The 2004 coupe had been planted 4 years before the 2008 and naturally they have grown to become taller trees. This has meant they have out competed the smaller species that are struggling to grow, reasons why they cannot be competitive are because the trees are taking all the sunlight and they are also taking in most of the minerals through their long and dominant roots. Once they are coppiced, cut down it allows the smaller species to grow and compete with one another; this means that there would be a more diverse species, which is true of the younger coupe due to their exposure to light, fig 2 shows this stage in progress. It is for this reason that the Betulaceae will be more prominent in the younger coupe than the older coupe³.  

Succession is another factor that influences the growth and structure of the Betulaceae; this is because trees as the trees are cut down a newly formed community that had never existed before. The type of succession that is likely to occur is primary succession; this is when a change in the environment or a natural disaster damages the dominant species which would be the trees. As succession continues the number of smaller species such as niches and Betulaceae seedlings will grow and species diversity will increase³.  

I chose this particular investigation because I believe that there is an important relationship light has with plants. Light is involved in the basic equation of photosynthesis, a process which provides food for the plants. The food that the plant produces is essential for its growth so the affect that light intensity has upon photosynthesis will have an adverse affect on the growth of Betulaceae.

The light is involved in the photosynthesis equation; the natural source of the light is the sunlight:

Carbon Dioxide + Water  glucose + oxygen

The light intensity affects this equation and the stronger it is the more food is produced for the plant and this means that growth also increase, linking to the increase of percentage cover of Betulaceae.

        The light intensity can be measured using a lux meter, this instrument measures light quite accurately and it uses the units, lx to present the data, this will be particularly useful when I complete my results table.


¹ Wikipedia


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³ Salters-Nuffield Advanced Biology for Edexcel A2 Biology


Hypothesis: There will be a significant relationship between percentage cover of Birch and light intensity.

Prediction: I predict that there will be a greater percentage cover of Birch in the 2008 coupe due to a greater light intensity compared to the older coupe which was coppiced in 2004, where the light intensity is not as great. This is because there are more trees in the older coupe which blocks light from reaching the Betulaceae seedlings.

Null Hypothesis: There will be no significant relationship between percentage cover of Birch and light intensity.


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