Cervical Cancer Vaccine. I decided to speak to a professional to obtain their opinion on the Cervical Cancer vaccine. I contacted my local surgery and spoke to one of their doctors.

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AS Biology Coursework

Cervical Cancer


Page 1 – The problem

    A possible solution – The Cervical Cancer Vaccine

    How the vaccine works

Page 2 – How effective is the vaccine?

    A professional’s opinion

Page 3 – Implications

Page 4 – Alternative solutions to the Cervical Cancer Vaccine

Page 5 – Alternative solutions to the Cervical Cancer Vaccine (continued)

Page 6 – References and Bibliography

Cervical Cancer

The Problem

Cervical Cancer is the second most common cancer in women under 35 years old. It is the leading cause of cancer death for women in developing countries. About 2,900 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in the UK each year; in 2007 alone Cervical cancer caused 941 deaths in the UK.[1]  Overall, 2 out of every 100 cancers diagnosed in women are cervical cancers. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the major cause of the main types of cervical cancer - squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma. There are over 100 different types of human papilloma virus (HPV) and two of these types cause 70% of the cases of Cervical Cancer. Up to 8 out of 10 people (80%) in the UK are infected with the HPV virus at some time during their lifetime.

How does the virus cause cancer? The virus gets into the surface cells of the cervix where it can stay for several years without causing any harm. Then, and for no apparent reason, it may start to cause damage to these cells.[2]

Doctors have introduced the Cervical Cancer Vaccine and alternative solutions such as getting regular Pap smear tests to reduce the number of deaths from Cervical Cancer per year.

A possible Solution – Cervical Cancer Vaccine

The Cervical Cancer vaccine was developed to prevent certain types of cervical cancer and pre-cancerous abnormalities in women. Essentially it protects against the two strains of HPV (16 and 18) which spread through sexual contact and are responsible for most cases of cervical cancer from developing.

Although vaccination does not protect against all HPV types that could cause cervical cancer the combination of the vaccination and regular Pap smears offer the best prevention against both cervical cancer and pre-cancerous cervical abnormalities.

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‘The vaccine offers a promising new approach to the prevention of HPV and associated conditions. However, it will not replace other prevention strategies since vaccines will not work for all HPV types’ [3]

Human Papilloma Virus

Particles [4]

How effective is the vaccine?

The effectiveness of the HPV vaccine has primarily been studied in young women (ages 16-26) who previously had not been exposed to the specific HPV types. The clinical trials showed the vaccine was nearly ...

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