Chemistry Investigation - How does chain length affect: ∆Hcè for alcohols?

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Robert Cowlin, 12L2

Chemistry Investigation – How does chain length affect: Hcθ 

for alcohols?


The enthalpy of combustion is the overall energy change, when 1 mole of a named species reacts with the maximum amount of Oxygen in a combustion process. This must take place under the standard conditions, these being 298K and 1 atmosphere of pressure.

Combustion is a process involving the breaking and subsequent making of bonds. The breaking of bonds is an endothermic process and the making of these same bonds is exothermic. The difference between the energy in and out dictates that the combustion of alcohols is exothermic overall, as Ein < Eout. Due to the fact that the combustion of alcohols is an exothermic reaction, the products are at a lower energy level than the reactants and therefore the difference in energy (enthalpy) is always negative.

The experiment of alcohol combustion is necessary, because it is otherwise impossible to derive enthalpy values. They must be derived from the temperature change in a chemical reaction. This experiment and the enthalpy information it offers is useful in helping us to understand the efficiency of fuels and how we can use these fuels favourably in the chemical industry.


To determine through a mixture of experimentation and theoretical enthalpy mathematics, the effect of chain length on the combustion enthalpy for different alcohols. I also aim to conduct research into the effects of air current and oxygen quantity when experimenting in an uncontrolled environment.

The experimental process I have planned will incorporate the use of the heat equation, in order to find the energy released by the alcohols, as below:

E (J) = m (g) x c (J˚C-1g-1) x θ (˚C)

E = Energy; m = mass; c = specific heat capacity; θ = temperature.

The use of this equation will allow the energy change to be derived for each of the alcohols according to how much of their mass is used when they are combusted with Oxygen fully.


To calculate in theory the enthalpy change that takes place during the combustion of various alcohols, involves using the known bond enthalpies of both reactants and products (which are also estimated), assuming perfect conditions and results without errors of any kind. I will do this for each of the alcohols I am planning to test in order to gain a good idea of the figure my experiments should be nearing. Yet, these calculated results will be in assumed perfect conditions, rather than a lab, and therefore will serve only as a guideline and data, which will indicate how severe the inaccuracies of lab work are.

(Appendix B shows the calculations, structural reaction diagrams and a table of theoretical calculations. Appendix C shows a table and graph of enthalpy of combustion in relation to Carbon chain length).

Through analysing the figures and graph trends in Appendix C, I am able to make several deductions:

  • The relationship between Carbon chain length and enthalpy is almost perfectly linear. This is shown by how doubling chain length, between Butan-1-ol and Octan-1-ol, the factor of enthalpy change is: -4978/-2510 = 1.98.
  • Through analysis it can be seen that as chain length increases the linear nature of the graph improves. The factor of change between a chain length of 1 and 2 is –1276/-659 = 1.936 whereas when doubling the chain length of Butan-1-ol, the factor of change is only 1.98. This shows a decreasing deviation.
  • As the Carbon chain length increases, the enthalpy changes are increasingly negative.
  • Due to the fact that the enthalpies for individual bond dissociation, such as (C-H) are estimated, even the theoretical calculations will have inaccuracies in them and thus not entirely reliable results. Yet, my own results should resemble the theoretical results, barring the unavoidable error margins.


Before taking the necessary data from the range of experiments I will be performing, it is important to arrange a preliminary test. This will allow me to try and compensate for any errors or lacking precision, so that when I take my actual results there will be fewer unnecessary errors. In this way I can anticipate and solve problems with my procedure and devise a method informed by these faults.

In my preliminary stage, I aim to test Ethanol and Propan-1-ol only, but twice. I will perform the experiments in an uncontrolled environment within the lab firstly, and then I will use draught proofing to see if my attempts to improve heat transfer efficiency are productive and also whether or not I should further my efforts to solve other problems.


The controlled results data was acquired under strict conditions. This involved the use of draught proofing in a fume cupboard with an almost airtight seal, as well as having a 67mm constant distance between wick and calorimeter base.

The data for the uncontrolled experiments had only the same constant 67mm distance from wick to base, to ensure fairness in this preliminary examination.

In both the experiments the water volume remained constant at 100cm3, as did the 10C temperature rise that dictated the end of the experiment. I measured in both cases the change in mass of the fuel I used to allow preliminary analysis.


From my tables I am able to deduce many things:

  1. There was a definite difference between the heat transfer efficiency in controlled and uncontrolled conditions, meaning that draught and other imperfections can damage results quite severely (64% difference for Ethanol).
  2. In both cases, the mass change during combustion of Propan-1-ol was less than Ethanol, which gives an indication of how Propan-1-ol’s longer chain length may relate to its combustion enthalpy.
  3. There is no directly proportional relationship between the change in mass and chain length as I previously expected, meaning the single –OH group, which is present in all alcohols or purity may make the relationship non-linear.


Through extensive preliminary testing I am able to revise my drafted method and make changes to prevent various factors from damaging my ‘real’ results. The factors and my solutions to their effects are:

  • RADIANT HEAT LOSS – I will utilise a silver foil coating around the surface of my calorimeter to ensure minimal heat loss due to radiation.
  • INITIAL DRAUGHT – During preliminary tests my flame was affected by the draught of my closing of the fume cupboard for almost 30 seconds. Therefore I intend to minimise the impact of draught by having only several centimetres open to light the spirit burner.
  • MEASURING INACCURACY – The measuring cylinder used to measure water volume had a large inaccuracy. Therefore I will use a balance to weigh out a suitable mass of water (100g) for the ‘real’ experiments.



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  • The aforementioned apparatus should be arranged in a suitable arrangement, as shown in Appendix A.
  • The decided water quantity (100cm3) must be measured. This must then be placed inside the copper pot and a thermometer placed in the water, so it can adjust to the temperature of the room and the water.
  • A spirit burner containing the desired alcohol for testing, with its lid on should be weighed and its original mass noted. This step must be repeated for all alcohols that are to be tested.
  • The distance ...

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