Alicia Seitz

        Cloning is the creation of an organism that is an exact genetic copy of another. This means that every single bit of DNA is the same. This has been done naturally in nature with identical twins and it has been done artificially since around the 1950s though it has improved over time to the stage where scientists can even clone mammals. The purpose of cloning in scientific exploration and cloning may one day be able to help people needing new organs. Cloning is done in a couple of  different ways. Artificial embryo twinning and somatic cell nuclear transfer.

        Artificial embryo twinning is done by mimicking the natural process of creating identical twins. In nature twins occur after fertilization when the zygote tries to divide into a two celled embryo and the two cells separate; each developing on their own person inside the womb. Though this is rare it does happen naturally and the two individuals are genetically identical. Artificial embryo twinning copies this separation of a singular embryo into two separate embryos, yet it is done in a laboratory and the embryos are separated  manually in a petri dish after the embryo first splits. The two separate embryos are then placed into a surrogate mother where they develop naturally.

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        Somatic cell nuclear transfer produces the same result as artificial embryo twinning, yet it is a different way of cloning. First scientist isolate and egg cell and remove its nucleus. Then they isolate a somatic cell ( a cell in the body that is not the reproductive cell.) and transfer its nucleus into the egg cell. Then using electromagnetic pulses, the egg cell acts like  a zygote and is placed in a surrogate mother. The famous cloned sheep, Dolly, was cloned this way.

        There are two main cloning types; therapeutic and reproductive cloning. Reproductive ...

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