Compare and contrast the structures/ultrastructures of cells

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Compare and contrast the structures/ultrastructures of cells

On a basic level it could be argued that plant and animal cells are similar in many ways, the key differences being that plant cells generally have a greater number of different organelles.

However, with powerful electron microscopes, we can now look very closely into the fine details of a cell, correctly termed the ‘ultrastructure’ of a cell. From the powerful zoom levels of Transmission Electron Micrographs (TEM) we not only see the basic structure of a cell, like the nucleus and the cell membrane, but the more minute sections of a cell. There are more complex differences between plant and animal cells, unlike those that are more basically identified, like cell walls and chloroplasts which are found only in plant cells. In contrast to this, the similarities become evident only when the cells are looked at more closely.

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 For example both plant and animal cells contain organelles, each one being assigned to a particular job. This is called ‘division of labour’. This type of cell, where the nucleus is inside a nuclear envelope, and has other membrane-bound organelles, is called a eukaryotic cell.There are new differences that can be discovered from using a more powerful microscope. Although both animal and plant cells have cytoskeletons, centrioles are only found in the cytoskeletons of animal cells, and form the fibres, known as the spindle, which move chromosomes during nuclear division. Centrioles can be identified because they always come in pairs. ...

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*** A few good sections but generally rather superficial and lacking in specific detail.