Compare and Contrast the Transport System of a Mammal and a Plant

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Adrian Tam

Compare and Contrast the Transport System of a Mammal and a Plant


Both mammals and plants require a transport system to satisfy the requirements of rapid supply of nutrients & gases, as well as the removal of waste products. Due to their huge surface area, transportation of substance is not quick enough if rely solely on diffusion, therefore a transport system is needed. A transport system relies on the mass flow movement of fluids due to pressure difference.

The Mammalian Transport System:

Mammals are metabolically active and have high nutrients demand, therefore a cardiovascular system is used to satisfy the need. This consists of a four-chambered heart and a system of interconnecting tubes (i.e. blood vessels) where blood is moved through them to the rest of the body. Mammal has a closed double circulatory system, which consists of pulmonary circulation going to the lungs and systemic circulation going to the rest of the body. With two circuits, a higher pressure blood can be achieved going to the body to form tissue fluid and deliver respiratory gases more quickly. A slower blood flow is desired when going to the lungs to allow more time for gas exchange and prevent damage on lung tissues. Blood never leave the vessels during transport so that a quicker blood flow rate can be obtained and this also allows vasoconstriction or vasodilatation to occur.

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The Transport System of Plants:

Plants also require a regular supply of oxygen and nutrients, yet their requirements differ from those of animals in several ways. Instead of oxygen, carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis while oxygen is the waste product. Moreover, organic nutrients are mostly produced rather than taken in. Even though their energy requirements are lower as they are less metabolically active, thus their transport system is slower compared to the mammalian blood system with no obvious pump like the heart. Plants have two transport systems compared to only one in mammal species. One of them is used ...

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*** A reasonably good comparison of transport systems in mammals and plants. However, greater attention to detail and more complete explanations of terms would improve the quality. There are a few factual errors.