Diffusion of Iodine and Starch through the Semi-Permeable Membrane of a Visking Tubing.

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Diffusion of Iodine and Starch through the Semi-Permeable Membrane of a Visking Tubing.


To explore Diffusion across a Semi-Permeable membrane


The Aim of the hypothesis is to explore whether large starch molecules are too large to pass through the semi-permeable membrane, but iodine is small enough to pass through the membrane, in this experiment it will be looked to investigate if the Visking Tubing will change a different colour, as the Iodine moves through the Semi-Permeable membrane into the starch molecules this is believed as Iodine reacts with Starch and changes colour.

Materials used:

  • Bunsen Burner
  • Heatproof Mat
  • Tripod
  • Gauze
  • Beaker
  • Visking Tubing
  • Stirring Stick
  • 1g Starch
  • 200mls Water
  • 10 drops of Iodine
  • Pipette
  • Weighing Scales
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  1. Place Heatproof Mat on a flat surface and place Bunsen burner onto the mat, ensure the Bunsen burner is open so the flame is visible whilst lighting, close the Bunsen burner off so it becomes a blue flame and place Tripod and Gauze over the Bunsen burner.
  2. Fill a beaker with 200mls of Water.
  3. Weigh 1g of Starch and place into the beaker of Water
  4. Place the beaker on top of the heat and with the stirrer continuously stir the solution until it is clear.
  5. Once clear remove the beaker from the heat and allow cooling ...

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