Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of being Ectothermic and Endothermic in the Vertebrates.

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Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of being Ectothermic and Endothermic in the Vertebrates.


Vertebrates occupy a wide variety of habitats all over the world from the freezing poles to the heat of hot desserts. In order to survive in these areas all vertebrates have adapted to regulate their body temperature, because temperature affects biochemical reactions. Organisms have been described as "bags of chemicals catalysed by enzymes". Although narrow, this emphasises that organisms are highly influenced by the rate at which chemical reactions, and hence vital life processes, occur. At low temperatures the rate of diffusion can be so low that essential functions cease and the organism dies. Below freezing point the cells may freeze and the cell structure destroyed by ice formation. Above 45oC enzymes become denatured and cease to function, again the organism dies. Therefore, if vertebrates did not regulate their body temperature they would be unable to survive outside a narrow range of habitats. There is one final point: most chemical reactions double or triple in rate for every rise of 10oC, it is therefore in an organism's interest to increase its body temperature if it wants to move faster, or react quicker, and so on.

At first, the thermoregulatory modes of animals were classified according to the stability of their body temperatures, as poikilothermic or homeothermic. A poikilothermic animal has a relatively variable body temperature; a homeothermic one has a relatively constant one. These terms, while useful, have become less appropriate as our knowledge of the temperature-regulatory capacities of animals has increased, because they communicate no information about mechanism. For example, mammals have been called homeotherms and fish poikilotherms. But some mammals become torpid at night or in winter, whereas many fish live in water of constant temperature. These inconsistencies led to the development of a second level of classification - endotherms and ectotherms.

All living creatures metabolise and none are a hundred percent efficient. A large fraction of metabolic energy therefore appears as heat, which is released as a by-product. Many animals have such high rates of thermal conductance and low rates of heat production that the heat is lost to the environment. Consequently the body temperatures of these animals are independent of the heat produced by their metabolism and are determined exclusively by the external environment (because of their high rates of thermal conductivity). Such animals are described as ectothermic. In a few groups, however, the metabolic heat production coupled with low thermal conductivity is sufficient to raise the temperature of the tissues above that of the environment. These animals are called endothermic. Endotherms produce extra metabolic heat because they have up to five times more mitochondria than ectotherms. In addition Akhmerov (1986) found that in certain endotherms oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria was uncoupled, thereby producing heat and not ATP.

These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. Many endotherms will make extensive use of external sources of heat, while many ectotherms generate metabolic heat at certain times: for example brooding snakes. Endotherms and ectotherms can also be described as homeothermic and poikilothermic. Man is a homeothermic endotherm, while some fish are homeothermic ectotherms.

Heterotherms are capable of varying degrees of endothermic heat production, but they generally do not regulate body temperature within a narrow range. Temporal heterotherms are generally facultative endotherms who relax their metabolic production of heat at certain times, for example during hibernation. Some ectotherms are regional heterotherms, because they can achieve high core (i.e. deep-tissue) temperatures through muscular activity, for example in the skull cavity of some fish.

Ectothermy: the low-cost approach to life.

Overview of ectothermy:

Since ectotherms are unable to produce extra metabolic heat they must regulate their body temperature using external sources for heating or cooling as required. An organism can gain or lose heat from many different pathways. Many ectotherms, for example lizards, absorb solar radiation, particularly infrared light, by standing in a sunny spot. All objects on earth radiate energy as infrared light: this can either lead to heat gain (e.g. from surroundings) or loss depending on the relative temperature of the animal's body surface. Organisms also gain or lose energy from convection currents, conductive heat exchange, evaporation and metabolic heat production.

Organisms have adapted to utilise these energy sources through behavioural thermoregulation. This is practised by endotherms, but ectotherms have become very highly specialised at this form of internal regulation. The mechanisms are relatively simple: for example the movement of lizards forwards and backwards between sun and shade. The amount of heat radiation absorbed can be altered by changing colour (for example in chameleons) or orientation. Many ectotherms live in burrows (controlled microhabitats) and only emerge for a certain period each day when the temperature is warm (or cool) enough for them to be active, the remaining time they spend in a torpid state. Ectotherms also regulate temperature through physiological means. They do not have insulatory fat or scales, for example, because these would interfere with heat gain (or loss). Many lizards are able to change their peripheral circulation. When they are hot the dermal blood vessels dilate to increase the blood flow close to the skin so that heat is lost and when they are cold the opposite occurs. Other species pant and sweat to lose heat. Ectotherms are frequently able to temporarily relax homeostasis - allowing physiological variables to fluctuate more widely than usual - so that they can survive in hostile environments. One of the most extreme cases of this is the ability of many amphibians and fish to supercool which allows them to survive at temperatures below freezing. Other ectotherms use antifreeze agents in their tissues to lower the freezing point of the water in their cells. Certain species of frogs can actually freeze for periods of a few weeks. Spadefoot Toads in Arizona are active only during the summer rains and then retreat underground for 9 to 10 months. Such tolerance would be impossible for endotherms, even those that hibernate, because even during hibernation they do not relax homeostasis entirely. These are all examples of low cost methods of surviving at times when conditions are extreme.
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Advantages of Ectothermy: Low energy costs:

The ectothermal approach to life allows animals to exploit habitats or adaptive zones that would be difficult or impossible for an endotherm to occupy. The key to this is the low energy requirement of ectothermy. Ectotherms do not require the energy to maintain the high body temperature that endotherms do. As a result they can afford to eat less and to have more tolerant tissues. Endotherms have highly specialised tissues adapted to a certain narrow range of temperature and chemical composition, which is maintained through homeostasis. Ectotherms have less specialised tissues, ...

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