'Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of gene technology.'

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                                                                                                                               Alexei Metcalf

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of gene technology.’

        The field of gene technology is an extremely vast and largely unknown one.  Within it are many different sections of application and within these come many advantages and many disadvantages.  It is a relatively new area of science and as such many people are unaware of the full potential of the applications of gene technology, or even the possible negative repercussions.  This gives rise to questions such as, ‘Is it right for us to play God?’

        One of the largest areas of application of gene technology is in medicine.  The first practical use of genetic engineering was to use bacteria as ‘factories’ to make substances that are useful to humans.  The prime example of this is insulin, where previously it had to be obtained from animals for those people who needed regular insulin injections.  This process was more expensive, but it was also animal insulin, so there was a high risk of side effects.  With gene technology, it is now possible to manipulate bacteria to produce vast quantities of human insulin at a cheaper cost with no side effects.  Another practical use in medicine is to check unborn babies for possible genetic disorders.  With gene technology it is possible to assess the likelihood of an unborn child being born with or developing a disease that would seriously affect their life.  With this information, parents have the choice of keeping the baby or not, to spare it from a seriously impaired or shortened life.  An exciting and likely prospect in medicine is gene therapy, which is being tested currently.  This would allow doctors to cure a disorder which was a result of a defective gene, and the first successful attempt was made where the gene encoding the enzyme adenosine deaminase was transferred into the bone marrow of two girls suffering from a rare blood disorder caused by the lack of this enzyme.  This extremely promising approach will require a lot of additional effort, but could change the lifes of millions of people.

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        There are other practical uses of gene technology in other areas, one being crime fighting.  Before genetic fingerprinting was developed, scientists had to rely on identifying certain proteins in blood or body fluids, but now just a hair, a minute speck of blood or a drop of semen can serve as sources of DNA enough to damn or clear a suspect.  The chances of these tests on the DNA being incorrect are infinitessimaly small and as such this technique has helped to track down hundreds of murderers, rapists and burglars just because of one small piece ...

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This is a well-researched essay with a substantial list of references which examines the advantages and disadvantages of gene technology. The writer touches upon a number of contrasting applications of the technology and highlights valid controversies which plague the industry in the developed world. The essay could, however, have been improved in the following ways: 1: a clear definition of exactly what is meant by gene technology; 2: an introductory paragraph outlining the structure of the essay, i.e. the various categories of GT which were going to be covered; 3: an emphasis on scientific fact when assessing the advantages and disadvantages rather than an over-reliance on opinion or media hype; 4: a discussion of advantages and disadvantages of each application, rather than grouping all advantages together and then all disadvantages together. The ethics of each application are quite distinct from each other making it impossible to generalise across the whole technology. Nonetheless, the writer has given the topic considerable thought and clearly holds strong opinions on the subject. The challenge is to remain impartial and give a balanced, informed account.