Effects of exercise on tidal volume and breathing rate

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7.2 Effects of exercise on tidal volume and breathing rate


The volume of air breathed in will increase linearly with the increasing work rate as we exercise (up to a submaximal level). The increase in oxygen uptake is a result of increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate. During exercise, body produces carbon dioxide as a result of the demand on cellular respiration. The body’s response to this is to increase tidal volume to accommodate the exhalation of the increased carbon dioxide load. The results that I present here show an increase in the number of breaths per minute as the intensity of the exercise is increased. As the intensity of exercise increases there is a 40% increase in the tidal volume as compared to rest.


During a normal resting state the body the lungs take in on average 5–6 litre min−1 of air but this can dramatically change to a volume of >100 litre min−1 during extreme exercise1. The volume of air breathed in will increase linearly with the increasing work rate as we exercise (up to a submaximal level). The purpose of this physiological response to exercise is to increase the quantity of oxygen delivered to cells for respiration. In the average male the resting oxygen consumption is about 250 ml min−1 and in an endurance athlete oxygen consumption during very high intensity exercise might reach 5000 ml min−1. The increase in oxygen uptake is a result of increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate.

Tidal Volume

According to Michael G. Levitzky in his "Pulmonary Physiology," tidal volume is the amount of air that enters the lung in a single breath. In a normal healthy adult the tidal volume is approximately 500 ml of air per breath. In order to respond to the chemical and physical demands of exercise the tidal volume of an individual will change to meet the oxygen demand.

Exercise and Tidal Volume

During exercise, body produces carbon dioxide as a result of the demand on cellular respiration. The body’s response to this is to increase tidal volume to accommodate the exhalation of the increased carbon dioxide load.


Volumes and capacities describing ventilation

Ventilation is characterised by different volumes and capacities, which are measures of combined volume values:

  1. Tidal volume – volume inhaled and exhaled during normal breathing
  2. Inspiratory reserve volume – volume which can be inhaled additionally after normal inspiration
  3. Expiratory reserve volume – volume which can be exhaled additionally after normal expiration
  4. Residual volume – volume remaining in the lungs after maximal expiration
  5. Vital capacity – volume which can be exhaled after maximal inspiration (sum of 1, 2 and 3)
  6. Inspiratory capacity – volume that can be inhaled additionally after normal expiration (sum of 1 and 2)
  7. Functional residual capacity – volume remaining in the lung after the end of a normal expiration (sum of 3 and 4)
  8. Total capacity – volume filling the lung after maximal inspiration (sum of 1, 2, 3 and 4)

Gas Exchange

Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffusion takes place at the alveoli. Alveoli are adapted to their function due to their very thin cell walls their large surface area and close proximity to the blood. When inspiration takes place the oxygen that is breathed in diffuses down a concentration gradient into the blood. Thee carbon dioxide moves in the opposite direction from the blood down its own concentration gradient. During exercise the volume of oxygen and carbon dioxide moving through the alveoli is dramatically increased compared to resting state.

Increased Inspiration and expiration

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The amount of air that is breathed in is dependent on the combined actions of the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles. During exercise impulses received from the brain tell these muscles to contract or relax with greater depth, leading to greater changes in the cavity of the chest. The higher the pressure changes in the lungs the greater the movement of air in and out of the lungs.

 Central Controlling Area

The respiratory centre located in the lower part of the brain stem, in the medulla oblongata in the area responsible for controlling breathing. This region has both "inspiratory neurones" ...

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