Elastic constant of a spring.

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Mohamed Osman.



Elastic constant of a spring.


  1. Introduction: The aim of this experiment is to find and measure the elastic constant of a spiral spring.

(b) Apparatus:

  1. Light spiral spring.
  2. A scale pan.
  3. A meter rule.
  4. 2 Clamps and Stands.
  5. 2 Boxes of weight.
  6. Light pointer for spring.
  7. Stop watch.
  1. Method:
  1. Suspend the light spring from the clamp and attach a light pointer to the spring.
  2. Set up a fixed vertical meter rule beside the spring using the clamp and stand.
  3. Attach a scale pan to the spring, and then add suitable weights, noting the reading of the pointer each time.
  4. Do this for about 8 loads on the scale pan.
  5. Then remove each weight, and record the reading of the pointer each time.
  6. If the spring has not been permanently strained the reading of the pointer will return to it’s original or zero reading when all the weights and the scale pan have been removed.
  7. Finally weigh the scale pan.
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Actual experiment.

  1. Introduction: The aim of this experiment is to find and measure the elastic constant of a spiral spring.
  2. Apparatus:
  1. Light spiral spring.
  2. A scale pan.
  3. A meter rule.
  4. 2 Clamps and Stands.
  5. 2 Boxes of weight.
  6. Light pointer for spring.
  7. Stop watch.

(c) Method:

  1. Suspend the light spring from the clamp and attach a light pointer to the spring.
  2. Set up a fixed vertical meter rule beside the spring using the clamp and stand.
  3. Attach a scale pan to the spring, and then add suitable weights, noting the reading of ...

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