Electrical Hazards.

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Electrical Hazards, risks of injury or death arising from exposure to electricity. Electricity is essential to daily life, providing heat and light and powering appliances in homes and factories. It must, however, be treated with great care, because the consequences of an electrical fault can be serious and sometimes fatal. Generally voltages greater than 50 volts can present a serious hazard and currents of more than about 50 milliamps flowing through the human body can lead to death by electrocution.

A shock occurs when a "live" part of some device is touched, so that current passes through the body. Its severity depends on many factors, including the body's conductivity (the ease with which electricity passes through it). The conductivity is usually small, but can be increased if the body or clothing is wet. The risk of injury also increases according to the size of the voltage or current, or the duration of contact. There is a risk of electrocution (death by electric shock) if current passes across the heart. For example, if one foot is touching wet ground, the risk is greater if the arm on the opposite side touches a high-voltage source than it would be if the arm on the same side did so.
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Current passing into the body generates heat, which burns the tissue. Electricity can also present less direct risks. Burns are caused when hot surfaces on electrical appliances are touched, and some appliances present a risk of injury from moving parts. Fires are caused when wires or cables overheat, melting their covering of insulation and setting fire to any combustible material nearby.

Numbers of Accidents

Official figures show that 31 people died in electric current accidents in homes in England and Wales in 1992, and around 13,000 people were injured in electrical accidents in and around ...

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The layout of this piece of writing is slightly unclear, there are no spaces between paragraphs and headings which is a little bit confusing. You should make your that you work is laid out in clear and coherent manner. That said, the candidate uses technical terms correctly, there are no spelling issues and appropriate grammar is used throughout.

The candidate clearly uses appropriate technical terms and always defines a new term, which shows a good understanding of electricity and electrical faults and makes the essay easier to read. The information provided shows a good level of detail and the candidate seems to have undergone independent research as they have included statistical figures relating to electrical accidents and they have clearly stated the regulations involved in electrical insulation. This is a nice touch, its helps illustrate their points and shows dedication and interest in the subject. However if you plan to this it is essential to write a short bibliography stating the sources you have used. Furthermore the essay comes to an abrupt end, without a conclusion. A good conclusion is important, it helps draw the essay to a close, it also allows you to summarise all of your key points and include personal opinions so that you can leave the reader with a good impression.

The candidate gives a thorough response to the set topic and clearly describes the different types of electrical hazards including how a person receives an electrical shock. The information provided is interesting to read and informative.