Electrochemistry - Inventing Better Batteries

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Extended Experimental Investigation

Inventing “Better Batteries”

Year 12 Chemistry

Student Name: Kirk Richards

Teacher: Ms Corley

Final Due: Monday 16th March


Ever since Alessandro Volta invented the first battery, the improvement of batteries has been phenomenal. The investigation was to explore three hypotheses that our group had designed to increase the voltage and/or current from the Daniell Cell to form a “Better Battery”. The group performed different procedures that catered for each hypothesis. Firstly the concentration of the electrolytes was changed, then the half cells and then the salt bridge. A current and voltage measurement was taken after each experiment was tested which formulated our data tables. The highest increases in voltage as the half cells are further away from each other on the Standard Reduction Potentials for Half-Reactions table was 192.78% and the current was increased by 159.1%. When the concentration was increased in the cathode and the concentration in the anode is decreased the percentage difference from the Daniell Cell was considerably higher with the current increasing by 127% and the voltage by 14.43%. When using a porous pot as the salt bridge the percentage difference in voltage and current were as follows, 11.34% for voltage and 12172.73% for current which was an outstanding result. The Daniell Cell can be improved by implementing these three hypothesises into practice as the results show the current and voltage readings have increased dramatically. After applying these three hypotheses to our investigation it then formed the “Super Cell” which was the aim of the experiment. The results of the Super Cell were exceptional, with the voltage increasing by 216.91% and the current increasing by an amazing 53,990%. It is recommended that further research is be conducted into using higher concentrations in electrolytes, different types of salt bridges and stronger reducing and oxidizing agents to achieve more improved results that have come about after this investigation.


The aim of this extended experiment investigation is to formulate three valid hypotheses, based on relevant research that will improve the performance of the Daniell Cell. We aim to support the validity of each hypothesis through experimentation and evaluation in order to achieve the purpose of this investigation – creating better batteries


1.        In reference to the Nernst Equation and Le Châtelier principle, our group believes that by having increased concentration in the cathode and a reduced concentration in the anode in each electrolyte will cause the voltage and current readings to increase and improve the Daniell Cell.

  1. According to the Standard Reduction Potentials for Half-Reactions table, our group hypothesises that by changing the half cells so that their E0 values are a greater distance apart that the voltage and current will show an increase and improve the Daniell Cell.

3.        After extensive research into different forms of salt bridges, our group believes that in using the porous pot salt bridge the decrease in resistance provided by the pot will increase the voltage and current readings of the original Daniell Cell.


Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry that studies chemical reactions which take place in a solution using two metals and two different electrolytes which are described as half cells. The metals used are also named electron conductors and the ionic conductors (the electrolyte) are both involved in the electron transfer between the electrode and the electrolyte. The electrons released from the anode flow through both an internal and external circuit connected by a wire and a form of salt bridge or barrier as shown in figure 1.

Simple cells can be made from metals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) and the electrolyte being the metals sulfates which is called The Daniell Cell. In the process of the reaction, electrons can be transferred from the zinc metal to the copper metal through a resistor such as a light bulb or an ammeter in hope to produce a useful electric current. <Oxford University, 2004>

Zinc more willingly loses electrons compared to copper, so placing zinc and copper metal in solutions of their salts can cause electrons to flow through an external wire which connects the two metals together. The electrons flow from the anode (zinc) to the cathode (copper) causing the flow of electrons.

Here are the half equations of the Daniell Cell that show that electrons are transferred in this reaction.

Zn(s)  Zn2+ (aq) + 2e-

Cu2+ (aq) + 2e-  Cu(s)

This states that zinc goes from a solid (s) into an aqueous solution (aq) and vice versa for the copper. The zinc half reaction is classified as oxidation since it loses electrons. The terminal at which oxidation occurs is called the anode. For a cell, this is the negative terminal. The copper half reaction is classified as reduction since it gains electrons. The terminal at which reduction occurs is called the cathode. For a cell, this is the positive terminal. In order for a cell to continue to produce the flow of electrons, the solution in the salt bridge must flow into each solution to balance out any negative or positive charge in the electrolytes. <Bodner Research Web. 2007> 

Electric Current and Voltage

The force motivating electrons to “flow” in a circuit is called voltage. Voltage is the measure of the potential energy that is always present between two points. Measured in volts, voltage is measured with a voltmeter and is properly named potential difference. When we speak of a certain amount of voltage in electrochemistry being present, we are referring to the measurement of how much potential energy exists between the anode and cathode. Alternatively, current is the flow of electrons through a circuit. Unlike voltage, it continues to flow throughout the circuit maintaining the same reading (depending on whether the resistance is kept the same). Current is measured in Amps (amperes) and is measured through an ammeter. The relationships present between these factors are shown in Ohm’s Law. Ohm’s Law deals with the relationship between voltage, current and a constant resistor. <Hyper Chemistry, 2004> This relationship states that when an ideal resistor is in place the voltage is increased and so is current and vice versa. The formula is, where V is the potential difference (voltage), R is resistance, and I is the current flowing through the resistance.

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The amount of current in a circuit depends on the amount of voltage available to move the electrons, and also the amount of resistance in the circuit to oppose electron flow. Here are the standard units of measurement for electrical current, voltage, and resistance in Figure 2:

Hypothesis 1

In reference to the Nernst Equation and Le Châtelier principle, our group believes that by having increased concentration in the cathode and a reduced concentration in the anode in each electrolyte will cause the ...

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