Enzymes/Enzymes are globular proteins. This means that they are made up of

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What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are globular proteins. This means that they are made up of:         Carbon



Which make up an amino acid. Amino acids join by peptide bonds (water is a by-product) forming dipeptides. Several dipeptides joined in a chain is called a polypeptide. More than one bonded polypeptide chains fold into a complex 3D shape, the sequence of amino acids determines the primary structure of the protein. Hydrogen bonding across this chain forms the proteins secondary structure. Further folding creates the tertiary structure of the globular protein this can be by hydrogen or disulphide bonding. The bonding of two or more polypeptide chains creates a protein with quaternary structure.

The specific shape of globular proteins allows them to function as enzymes. As the enzyme has an active site which is specifically shaped to fit its substrate and form enzyme substrate complexes.

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What do Enzymes do?

Enzymes are biological catalysts. This means that they are highly specific to a reaction and control the rate at which it occurs at in the cell. This involves lowering the activation energy. So that the enzyme and substrate can collide successfully with lower kinetic energy (so reactions will work at fairly low temperatures), and enzyme substrate complexes will form so a reaction will occur.

How do Enzymes Work?

For a reaction to work molecules must collide successfully with enough energy, known as the activation energy. The greater the kinetic energy ...

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