Enzymes Extra

        A catalyst is an enzyme that increases the rate of a reaction by changing the way a reaction takes place.  It usually stays the same and does not change at the end of a reaction.  You would call this an uncatalyzed reaction in a cell and may take place eventually, but not at a rate fast enough for survival.  Let’s say for example the hydrolysis of proteins in our diet would occur at a point and time without a catalyst, but not fast enough to meet the body’s requirement for amino acids.  The chemical reaction must occur at an extremely fast rate under mild conditions of ph 7.4 and a body temperature of 37°C it is very important for the body to remain this warm.  The heat from our bodies assists with the speed of whatever necessary molecules that are being used in our bodies.  A biological catalyst is known as an enzyme and catalyzes nearly all the chemical reactions that take place in the body.  A catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy and it is not used up in the reaction.  There are many types of enzymes and each one plays an important role in the function and maintaining of cells.  

        The names of the enzymes describe the compound or the reaction that is catalyzed.  The name of enzymes come from or is derived by replacing the end of the name of the reaction or reacting compound with the suffix “ase.”  A good example would be something like oxidase which catalyzes an oxidation reaction, and a dehydrogenase removes hydrogen atoms.  The compound sucrose is hydrolyzed by the enzyme sucrase, and a lipid is hydrolyzed by a lipase.  Some of the first known enzymes used names that end in the suffix “in.”  Some of these are names such as trypsin, papin, and pepsin.  Papin is one, and is found in milk.  Pepsin, which is of one of the first named is a gastric enzyme that breaks down proteins in food entering the stomach.  All of these enzymes here listed catalyzes the hydrolysis of proteins.  

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        Just recently, a systematic method of classifying and naming enzymes has been established now by the name and type of reaction of reaction as well as indicating the reaction it catalyzes.  There are six main classes of  enzymes.  These enzymes are oxidoreductases, and the reaction catalyzed is oxidation – reduction reactions, transferases, and the reaction catalyzed transfer a group between two compounds, hydrolases - is a hydrolysis reaction, lyases – add or remove groups involving a double bond without hydrolysis, iomerases – rearrange atoms in a molecule to form an isomer,  ligases – form bonds between molecules using ATP energy. ...

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