Experiment to investigate how the resistance of a strain gauge attached to a piece of wood varies with the temperature of the wood.

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Experiment to investigate how the resistance of a strain gauge attached to a piece of wood varies with the temperature of the wood.

Aim: The aim of this experiment is to work out the resistance of a strain gauge that has been attached to piece of wood (the same material wood as used in flooring), and see how it varies with its temperature


    To measure the resistance of the block of wood I will use an ammeter to measure the current and a voltmeter to measure the potential difference, and after reading the values, I shall use the equation,

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Resistance =Voltage/Current, which will allow me to work out the resistance of the strain gauge.

 To measure the temperature of the wooden block, I shall use 2 thermocouple devices , one of which I shall attach to the wooden block by using a substance called araldite 2024, which has a good thermal conductivity and a high melting point. ref1.

  I will use general purpose thermocouples as they can be used to measure high temperatures and are responsive enough to a temperature of 400ºC.

 The ranges of temperature that I will be using are 0ºC to 40 º, as ...

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