Explain the physiology of the defence mechanisms in animals.

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Explain the physiology of the defence mechanisms in animals

  1. Description of the constitutive or non-specific resistance is accurate.
  2. Outline of the humoral and cell-mediated constituents of the mammalian immune system is accurate.
  3. Explanation of the consequences of antigen-antibody interaction is accurate.

a) A mammal defends itself against infectious diseases by constitutive resistance, this includes surface barriers, circulatory system, phagocytosis and the inflammatory response. The surface barriers are of physical, chemical and biological barriers. Physical barriers include the skin and mucus membranes that helps prevent entry of pathogens. Chemical barriers include stomach acid, sebum, tears and saliva these help destroy bacteria and pathogens. Biological barriers include sweeping cells in respiratory areas these move mucus and trapped materials away from it.

The circulatory system contains white blood cells, phagocytes and lymphocytes. Phagocytes engulf and digest nonself materials and lymphocytes are most abundant. Lymphocytes consist of two types, B and T cells, the B cells make specialised proteins called antibodies which enter the blood and bond to nonself substances. In the system it also contains complement proteins which defend in 3 different ways,

  1. They attach to microbes, which helps phagocytes destroy them.
  2. They activate the inflammatory response and attract phagocytes to the infection.
  3. They act with antibodies to burst invading cells.

Interferons are antimicrobial proteins which are produced when cells are infected and these increase resistance.

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Phagocytosis is where phagocytes provide a defence against pathogens that penetrate the surface of the host. Three types of phagocytes are Neutrophils - they are most abundant and short lived, they recognise and attack pathogens in tissue. Monocytes - these mature into macrophages which live longer then neutrophils and they consume large numbers of pathogens. Eosinophils - they are weakly phagocytic and they kill parasites.

Inflammation is the body response to infection or tissue injury. Inflammation is caused by damaged body cells releasing substances like histamine, most cells release this when they are damaged. The redness and heat ...

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