Test for proteins

Millon’s test – 2cm3 of sample were added to 1cm3 of Millon’s reagent, the mixture was then heated.

If the test is positive for protein, the following test was performed to confirm the result.


Biuret test – 2cm3of 5% potassium hydroxide solution were added to 2cm3 of sample. Two drops of 1% copper sulfate solution were added and the mixture was shaken.

Test for reducing sugars

Benedict’s test – 2cm3 of the sample were added to an equal volume of Benedict’s solution. The mixture was then heated in a water bath while shaking continuously.

If the test is positive for reducing sugars, the following test was performed to confirm the result.

Fehling’s test – 2cm3 of sample were added to 1cm3 Fehling’s A and 1cm3 Fehling’s B solution. The mixture was then heated in a water bath.

Test for non-reducing sugars

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Before performing this test, the test for reducing sugars had to be performed. If the result is negative the following test was performed.

2cm3 of sample were added to 1cm3 dilute hydrochloric acid. The mixture was then heated in a water bath for 2 minutes. With the aid of pH paper, the mixture was neutralised with sodium hydrogen carbonate. The Benedict’s or Fehling’s tests were then carried out.

Test for starch

A few drops of iodine/potassium iodide solution were added to some of the sample.

Test for lipids

Sudan III – To 2cm3 of sample, an equal ...

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