Genetic Engeneering in Humans

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Antony Rickhuss

Advantages of Genetic Engineering in Humans

     The genetic engineering of animals is one of the biggest leaps forward in science and human history; it poses many advantages and disadvantages and has been met with mixed opinions from a number of organisations. Genetic engineering allows us to choose certain characteristics about people and can be used to prevent certain hereditary illnesses usually passed down by carrier parents to their babies, with more understanding and research it can be used to prevent more and more illnesses (1) + (4)

     Genetic Engineering in the form of Gene Therapy can be used to cure hereditary illnesses like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia by repairing or replacing missing genes in people, it is less dangerous than using infective agents like adenoviruses as vectors because the genes can be inserted into liposome’s which are much safer and cause less chance of failure. Cancer is another illness which can be treated with Gene therapy because then the treatment will only target the cancer cells and not damage any other cells like the radiation and chemical treatments do today, this makes the treatment of cancer much safer. Testing has already begun on genetically engineered mice to fight Epidermolysis bullosa simplex which affects a number of children lacking in the protein keratin, after four days of treatment 85% of the mice were free from blistered skin, other diseases like this could be treated by using genetically engineered animals. (5) Another way in which genetic engineering could help people’s quality of life is by therapeutic cloning which allows the growth of human tissue which could be used for transplantation without the need for an embryo stage – removing previous moral and ethical objections. (1) + (4)

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     Genetic modification of crops and plants could help the human race in a variety of ways it could make certain crops easier to mass produce, ending hunger and starvation in the world; it could allow us to control our atmosphere ending climate change by modifying the respiration of plants. But at the moment nobody really knows the full dangers these foods could have on the human population and the production of these foods is carefully controlled.

     With genetic engineering, parents will be able to choose the characteristics of their children such as; eye colour, hair colour, ...

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