Genetic modification.

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Chris Balis


I have absolutely no anxiety. I am worried about a lot of things but not about modified food. – Dr James Watson

Genetic modification takes mankind into realms that belong to God and God alone – Prince Charles

What is Genetic Modification?

The primary aim of genetic modification or ‘genetic engineering’ is to introduce, enhance or delete particular characteristics of organisms. This can be achieved through the manipulation of genes or ‘gene therapy.’ Genetic manipulation has evolved over the centuries from the traditional brewing and breeding practices to the recombinant technologies of today. Genetic engineering has enormous potential and its application is already having an impact in many industries, including agriculture and food production. Its development however has not been free from controversy. While gene technology promises enormous benefits for humanity, many potential risks have been identified as well. Genes are functional parts of a molecule called DNA (deoxyribose nucleic acid). Genetic engineering usually involves the insertion of a gene or genes from one species into another species. The fact that genetic engineering involves the permanent manipulation of DNA, sometimes in ways that would not occur in nature, raises many complex questions. The long term effects of genetic modification have not been determined and there are great concerns about the potential effect of interspecies DNA transfer on human health and environment.

How is it achieved?

Genetic engineering alters an organism’s characteristics. This is possible because the genes that are manipulated direct the synthesis of proteins. A gene is said to be expressed when the protein it encodes is synthesized. Proteins consist of one, or more, long chains of amino acids. The important and most numerous proteins coded for by DNA are enzymes, which regulate all the biochemical processes within an organism, including the manipulation of DNA itself. Therefore, by modifying the action of enzymes, genetic engineers can potentially modify any biochemical reaction in an organism to produce a desired change in a characteristic.

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Genetic transformation, to produce transgenic plants, goes to the stable integration of a foreign gene into the gnome of a plant regenerated from cells or cells stripped of their cell walls by enzymes. The transformations should be inheritable, and seed growth from transgenic plants should produce plants that also express the foreign gene. Genes are multiplied or clone, and then transferred into plants within vehicles called vectors, usually derived from the small circular DNA structures in bacteria called plasmids. In agriculture, molecular techniques have been employed successfully to discover and unravel metabolic processes and interactions between ...

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