How Dilute Is Skimmed Milk Compared To Full Fat and Semi-Skimmed Milk?

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How Dilute Is Skimmed Milk Compared To Full Fat and Semi-Skimmed Milk?

By Mohammed Jubair Jalil


  1. Title
  2. Contents
  3. Plan
  4. Plan (Beginning – Aim, Introduction)
  5. Plan (Introduction cont. , Hypothesis, Risk Assessment)
  6. Plan (Variables, Method)
  7. Main Report
  8. Main Report (Method, Apparatus)
  9. Main Report (Results, Conclusion, Discussion)
  10. Main Report - (Evaluation)/Appendix



To investigate the water content in skimmed milk when compared to semi-skimmed and full fat milk.


Milk in the industry is homogenised to stop the cream separating from the emulsion. []

Milk is typically made of up of lactose, fat molecules, water and proteins. []

 Milk can be described as an emulsion of fat globules within water based fluid. However 40% of milk’s calories can be contributed to the disaccharide lactose. The colour of milk however can be contributed to the fat globules and casein micelles protein. []

 It is interesting to note that cow’s milk typically has approximately 87% water content. Here is a table outlining nutritional information for milk.


Cow milk information is outlined in red.

Milk sold in the UK is typically cow’s milk.  Skimmed milk is a type of milk which has had all of its fat removed while semi-skimmed milk is a type of milk which has half the fat of full fat milk. Full fat milk contains approximately 3.9% fat, while semi-skimmed contains approximately 1.7% fat. []

The experiment will rely on osmosis to give an indication of which type of milk contains the most water. A potato piece will be used because it has a semi-permeable membrane and can be weighed easily. Osmosis is the transport of water across a semi-permeable membrane, from a high water potential to a low water potential. The water molecules are small enough to pass through the semi-permeable membrane. Also, the cell wall of the potato cell allows it to intake water but not burst from too much intake. It becomes turgid and because of this it is ideal for the experiment. Osmosis is a form of passive transport which requires no energy and is affected by temperature because an increased temperature gives the water particles more kinetic energy which allows the water molecules to pass through the semi-permeable membrane much faster. This would result in an increased rate of diffusion.

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In the experiment the water in the milk will diffuse into the potato piece if the water potential is less than the potato. This will increase the mass of the potato. The potato piece can then be weighed to observe any changes in mass. The milk which gives the potato the greatest mass increase will be the one which has the greatest water content. This is an effective way of telling which solution has more water content because the solution which has greater water content will have a lower water potential. Because of this lower water potential there will ...

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