How do concentration and temperature affect the rate of a chemical reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid?

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How do concentration and temperature affect the rate of a chemical reaction?


Collision theory:-

 Chemists believe that the theory explains how the various factors affect reaction rates. It is believed that molecules are only able to react if they bump into each other. When molecules are colliding with each other it can lead to other theory’s affecting this such as concentration, temperature and catalysts. The theory states that when molecules are colliding with one another atoms can break and new bonds form creating new molecules. There are molecules in gases and liquids which are always in constant motion colliding in millions. Many reactions are not successful only some are successful and this is because some reactions have collisions in which the molecules are moving around giving the bonds the strength to break (activation energy). If you increase the concentration of the reactions and the temperature it brings more collision and therefore the success rate is higher increasing the rate of reaction. If there is a catalyst present the collision between the molecules, requires less energy for the chemical change to take place, therefore more collisions have enough energy for the reaction to occur, which in term increase the reaction rate.

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AIM of the experiment

In this experiment, we investigated the rate of the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid by measuring the volume of hydrogen that was collected in the inverted burette, at specific time intervals, of every five seconds. Moreover, we had used 3cm of magnesium ribbon and hydrochloric acid at concentrations of 1.80 mol dm3 and 0.6mol dm3, which was from another pair and these were our results as follows:

My prediction

        Higher Concentration so more particles in given space.

        More chance of successful collision (overcome activation energy)

        Increased rate of reaction


The more concentration there is ...

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