How does the length of putty affect resistance in a circuit?

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Physics Coursework:

How does the length of putty affect resistance in a circuit?

I was asked to find out what changes the resistance of conductive putty, therefore I could have tested many variables. Length, Density, Temperature, Cross Section and Substance. I tested the variable of length to find out the change of resistance.


I will repeat the experiment 3 times, thus making the test fairer by using averages. I will mark the putty with lines, one centimetre apart from each other for 10cm. The putty will be placed on insulating material. I will move the 2 metal conductors, used to complete the circuit, by inserting them into the putty, and changing the distance 1cm at a time, all of which will be repeated 3 times, therefore leaving 30 individual results, which I shall average.

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The circuit is shown in the diagram below. The circuit involves a Ammeter and a Voltmeter, therefore I am left with the results in V (Voltage) and I (Current) and I can calculate the resistance using the formula I/V=R.

My Prediction

I predict that the larger the distance in the putty that the electricity has to travel, the larger the resistance, if the distance in the putty is smaller, the resistance will also be smaller.

It is possible for electricity to move through the putty, as ...

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