How temperature will affect the respiration of an organism.

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How temperature will affect the respiration of an organism.

Kathryn Hinchcliffe.


The respiratory rate of an organism is usually the same as the rate of aerobic respiration, which takes place within the body tissue. The chemical equation for this is can be shown as, C6H12O6 + 602 6CO2 + 6H2O. I will be estimating the respiratory rates of the organisms using a respirometer and express me results by the amount of oxygen used up in a given time by 1 gram of the tissue held at a constant temperature.


I expect the rate of respiration of the organisms to increase as temperature increases.


Respiration, is a process by which an organism exchanges gases with its environment. The term now refers to the overall process by which oxygen is abstracted from air and is transported to the cells for the oxidation of organic molecules while carbon dioxide and water, the products of oxidation, are returned to the environment. In single-celled organisms, gas exchange occurs directly between cell and environment, i.e., at the cell membrane. In plants, gas exchange with the environment occurs in special organs, the stomata's, found mostly in the leaves.

Organisms that utilise respiration to obtain energy are aerobic, or oxygen-dependent. Some organisms can live in the absence of oxygen and obtain energy from fuel molecules solely by fermentation or glycolysis. These anaerobic processes are much less efficient, since the fuel molecules are merely converted to end products such as lactic acid and ethanol, with relatively little energy-rich ATP produced during these conversions.

When our body temperature increases or we do exercise our muscles use more oxygen and produce more carbon dioxide. This leads to both an increase n tidal volume and frequency of breathing due to demand for oxygen within the respiratory system.

The most vital part of the respiratory system in humans starts in the inspiratory center located in the medulla of the brain, which consists of nerve cells. Nerve impulses pass down the phrenic and intercostal nerves causing contractions within the diaphram and external muscles, which then brings about inspiration. Expiration can be assisted by nerve impulses from the expiratory center, which causes contractions of the internal intercostal muscle. The inspatory and expiatory nerve cells inhabit each other so the cannot be active simultaneously.

The remaining elements of the control system act to modify the basic pattern of nerve impulses produced by these centers. In this way the respiratory system can respond to stimuli, received by sense organs such as stretch receptors, carotid and aortic bodies and from chemorecepters.

. During inspiration stretch receptors that line the walls of the lungs send signals, which help to terminate the bursts of impulses from the inspiratory center and so prevent over expansion of the lungs.

2. The carotid bodies are locked on the external carotid artery whilst the aortic bodies are locked between the aorta in the subctavian artery. Within each of these bodies there are chemorecepter cells, which respond in two stimuli. Firstly they are sensitive to pO2, which is the partial pressure of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma. If these levels are to low, they stimulate the receptor cells and lead via the medulla to increase ventilation of the lung.
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3. The second more important stimuli for the chemorecepter cells is pCO2, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide dissolved in the blood plasma. When carbon dioxide is dissolved in the plasma, carbonic acid is produced which, is show in the equation, CO2 + H2O H2CO3 HCO3 + H

So whenever pCO2 is changed, hydrogen ions (H ) change in a corresponding way, and is the H that the carotid chemorecepters actually respond to. So, it is the concentration of the carbon dioxide in the blood that is the main factor controlling the gas exchange.

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