Hypothesis: There will be a difference between the average hand size of males to females in a grade 10 science class. The average males hand will be bigger than females

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Lab 2 – Male vs Female


There will be a difference between the average hand size of males to females in a grade 10 science class. The average male’s hand will be bigger than females. There can be many reasons which could make this hypothesis true. The average length of an adult female hand is 17.2 cm, whereas the average length of an adult male hand is 18.9 cm. .

Because of genetics, males are usually made to be more dominate than females. The average male’s body parts are usually bigger than the average female’s body parts. For example, the average height of male is 177 cm, while the average height of female is 162 cm. .


  • A grade 10 science class.
  • 7 randomly selected students of each gender.
  • A hat containing all the names of female students on a separate piece of paper.
  • A hat containing all the names male students on a separate piece of paper.
  • Measuring tape that measures to the nearest 0.05 cm.
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  1. Choose seven male students by pulling their name out of the hat.
  2. Using a ruler that measures to the nearest 0.05 cm. Measure the length of                         the first male student’s right hand, by measuring the tip of his middle                         finger down to the end of his palm.
  3. Measure the width of the first male student’s right hand, with thumb fully                         extended outwards start from tip of the thumb to the furthest end of palm.
  4. Repeat steps two and three with the remaining chosen male students.
  5. Calculate the average of the length of the seven grade ...

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