Immune System. The Non-Specific responses react to any kind of damage by mast cells in damaged tissues releasing histamine which causes inflammation.

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Immune System

The Non-Specific responses react to any kind of damage by mast cells in damaged tissues releasing histamine which causes inflammation. This chemical attracts white blood cells. The blood vessels become more porous to allow white blood cells and co through. Phagocytes engulf pathogens and blood clots. If the infection persists the Specific Response takes over. Firstly T Cells recognise the foreign antigen and multiplies loads. It's offspring are Helper T Cells which call for back up [B Cells]. Killer T Cells attack microorganisms as well as any infected body cells with a super powerful protein called lymphokines. Suppressor T Cells are like the commanders, they close down the immune response after invading organisms are destroyed. They are sensitive to high concentrations of circulating lymphokine hormones, and release their own lymphokines after an immune response has achieved its goal. This signals to all other immune system participants to cease their attack and go back home. Some memory B Cells remain just in case the bad pathogens come back

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If we go back to the stage of the battle when the Helper T Cells called for backup. This would have meant a whole team of B Lymphocytes will have arrived. These are like special forces, they don't attack the bad guys directly- instead they do it 'remotely'. B Cells produce Y and T shaped grenades known as antibodies which attach to foreign antigens of baddies. Once these B Soldier see antigens they multiply quickly and develop in plasma cells , which are the main antibody production cells. And memory cells are produced so another invasion in the future can be ...

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