In this experiment we are investigating the effect of concentration on the current flowing through a copper sulpahte solution.

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In this experiment we are investigating the effect of concentration on the current flowing through a copper sulpahte solution.


I think that the higher the concentration the higher the current passing through the solution, I also think that the higher the voltage, the higher the current. I think this will happen because there will be more copper sulphate molecules. Since there are more copper sulphate molecules, then there will be more sulphate ions giving up electrons to the anode (positive electrode) and more copper ions receiving electrons from the cathode, this means that there will be more electrons being transferred and so a higher current. The ions will break their ionic bonds because the copper plates are given a larger positive and negative charge by the battery (the circuit) and so the small force holding the ions together will be overpowered by the larger force of the electrodes on the ions. The liquid medium allows the ions to move freely and is what allows all of this to happen (The molecules in a liquid are more spaced out than in a solid (molecules in a solid bunched close together, with only enough room and energy to vibrate) and so this gives the ions the space and ability to move around and to actually get to the electrodes).

        To explain, ions are atoms that have gained or lost electrons to gain a charge. Copper gave up its two electrons (to gain a full outer shell) to the sulphate (which gains a the electrons it needs (the 2 oxygens need an electron each in the sulphate ion SO4-2)). When the copper loses its two electrons, it gains a positive charge (or, because there are then 2 more protons than electrons) and since the sulphate gains a negative charge (2-, because there are now two more electrons than protons). Since each have opposing charges of 2 then they attract and form an ionic compound, copper sulphate. When the electrons are given up and received by the ions from the electrodes, there is a current created.

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        The more ions in the solution, the more that will be pulled towards the electrodes and the more that will be exchanging electrons, and so the larger the current. The larger the voltage, the larger the force pulling the ions apart (more powerful positive and negative charges from the electrodes on the ions). This means that there will be more copper sulphate molecules breaking appart and so more ions reaching the electrodes, more electrons being transferred and so more current flowing.

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I will not change these variables that may have an effect on the experiment (to ...

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