Insomnia and the effectiveness of drugs. The use of drugs as medication shows no indications for a permanent solution, but more as a temporary solution as they can cause a dependency on the drug, or over the time the drug will begin to stop working

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Jessica-Sue Shawcross

Biology Issue Report

Insomnia, and the effectiveness of drugs

    What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a self diagnosis that someone suffers sleeping difficulty; either difficulty getting to, staying, or getting enough sleep despite the amount of effort trying. Lack of sleep then incapacitates the individual from doing their responsibility. Each case is different as some find it easy to fall asleep but then wake up early so they do not get enough, or maybe find it difficult to get to sleep so they stay awake later getting less sleep. [1][3]

To diagnose insomnia you would have an appointment with your doctor so they could make a formal diagnosis from what they learn after asking questions like "How long does it take you to fall asleep at night?", "do you take any medication, alcohol, and do you smoke?" and "how many times during the night do you wake up" to make a more accurate assumption to the insomnia the patient has, and how to treat it. Most common symptoms are the difficulty to fall asleep, waking up during the night. Difficulty returning to sleep, waking up too early in the morning, not feeling refreshed when you wake up, daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and irritability. [16][15] Classified into three main groups as transient, acute, or chronic. [3] Is depending on the length of time suffered and the intensity.  Transient being the weakest, it can last up to a week and is usually a repercussion of sudden change. Acute anytime up to a month, chronic insomnia could last for more than a month with no ending time limit. The effects of each stay mainly the same: sleepiness, and impaired performance. Except the effects of Chronic Insomnia, causing hallucinations, an increase in alertness, and viewing actions as though they were happening in slow motion, some of the causes are:

- A traumatic event

- Female hormone fluctuations, through menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, during menstruation a hormone called progesterone promotes sleep however this drops dramatically plunge during menstruation and could induce insomnia although the opposite happens as the hormone increases in production during ovulation. Pregnancy changes progesterone levels in the first and last trimester which disrupts the usual sleep patterns. Even in the menopause in the early stages when the hormones are continuously changing [8] this is what  theory is when menopause is involved with insomnia the changing level in hormones is a large factor.

- Environmental factors, excessive light at night your body will take the manufactured light as natural sunlight and wake you up even more, other things like random and loud noises, and uncomfortable temperatures could make it difficult to sleep.

- Drugs or medications, the nicotine in smoking and caffeine in coffee are stimulant and tends to lead to transient insomnia; medications for colds, high blood pressure or pain medication also make sleeping difficult. The abuse substances like cocaine and other drugs.

- Mental disorder, although it is not known here whether the link mental disorders and insomnia is or factor, the most common over lapping disorder is depression, did an experiment which found out 50% of patients with mental health problems also had combined insomnia, this is also present in the graph  [7][10]

The kind of drugs used, how they work and do they work?

The use of drugs as medication shows no indications for a permanent solution, but more as a temporary solution as they can cause a dependency on the drug, or over the time the drug will begin to stop working as the body begins to adjust and more of the drug is needed, accidental overdoses can happen this way if the person feels that the dosage they have already taken is not sufficient which in turn could end in more side effects occurring.  [6] As a result, issues with using the drugs are side effects, which are varied and could end up being severe; these could include drowsiness during the day time, confusion, forgetfulness, and a dry mouth. This will help the problem as it will then help cure a disorder, even if the drugs only suppress it for a short time, the individuals then can either get over what it was preventing them getting to sleep if it was transient. [6] Sleeping tablets, used to encourage sleep within your body, but your symptoms must be pretty severe or if the natural treatments have had no affects. Although most are reluctant to prescribe these as they do not actually cure it but they ease the symptom and if you have had this disorder for some time it isn’t likely to help, so it’s prescribed on the smallest dose and for the shortest time possible as they can. Some of the drugs used are:

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- Benzodiazepines are tranquillizers designed to reduce anxiety and replace it with calmness, and sleep, and are usually only given out when the insomnia is severe, Not highly recommended as the person can develop a dependancy on them and are usually only given in short term fixs like with temazepam, loprazolam, and lormetazepam.  This works by benzodiazepines binding with the GABA receptor in your brain to increase the amoiunt of chemical released that encourages drowsiness. This is counted as one of the oldest class of sleep medications still in use. They can loose their sleep quality over time, so they ...

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