Investigate the Effect of Temperature Change on the Permeability of Beetroot Cell Membrane.

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Mohammed Hadi                Biology Coursework II – Beet Root

Investigate the Effect of Temperature Change on the Permeability of Beetroot Cell Membrane.


In this investigation I will examine whether there is a relationship between the amounts of leakage of beetroot pigment into water under various range of temperatures. Furthermore, I will also investigate if there is a correlation between absorbency and temperature.    


With high temperatures it is likely that the phospholipids in a Beetroot Cell Membrane will move faster. This will inevitably result in the membrane becoming for permeable. Therefore, I predict that, there will be a positive relationship between permeability and temperature. I also predict that there will be a positive correlation between the two variables, which means as the temperature increases the absorbency will inevitably increase.

Null Hypothesis

There will be no relationship between the rise in temperature and the amount of beetroot pigment leaking into the water.


Key for Table Result:        Results obtained by me are shown in the shaded region.

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                        The asterix (*) indicates anomalous results.  

To give me a visual perception of my obtained results compared to that of the two other groups, I will represent the results in a form of a scatter diagram/graph.

I will use the Spearman Rank Statistical test to carry out a statistical analysis of my results. This will allow me to establish a significant relationship between the two sets of data, which are the temperature and the absorbency.

To work out the significant relationship I will be using the following formula:

Rѕ = 1 ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

This is a fairly average essay that discusses the results of a practical looking at leakage of colour from a beetroot. It does not explain the practical at all only looks at the results. It would be helpful to have had further details of how results were collected as it leads to a little confusion. There are areas where the biology is a little inaccurate but only in minor parts. The statistical calculations are, however, a good example. ***