Investigating electrical behaviour and a filament lamp.

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Investigating electrical behaviour and a filament lamp.

Aim: My aim in this investigation is to find electrical behaviour of a resistor and a filament lamp.


Apparatus:  Below are the following equipment used throughout the experiment:

  • Resistor
  • Filament Lamp
  • Ammetre
  • Voltmetre
  • Power Supply
  • 5 wires


Prediction: I predict that for the filament lamp as soon as the voltage increases, so will the resistance. This is because the filament gives out light, when the temperature of filament is increased. The filament lamp gives out heat because an electric current is passing through the components lamp. As the filament increases in temperature, the particles start to vibrate more. The vibration causes difficulty for the electrons to pass through.

                I assume that the filament may need a certain amount of electricity / energy before it can give any heat or light out. The filament lamp needs to be at a certain temperature in order the lamp can give out any light or heat. If we were to draw a graph it would be curved. This is because the filament lamp gives out so much of light and heat. This one reason that graph of a filament lamp is curved. The other reason that graph is curved is because the steeper the gradient is the more lights the gives out.  So at 12 volts I believe that it produce very strong light.

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                I predict that my graph will be curved because this is based on two theories. First the temperature will not be constant.  Secondly the resistant of the filament lamp will not be constant. If the voltage was to be increased the graph would be come more curved and the gradient will be positive and it will be steeper. There will a relationship between the amps and the volts.

         I predict that the line for the graph of the resistor. I predict this because no heat at all is given off, therefore it will not affect the resistor. Heat is ...

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