Investigating into how the surface area of a potato can affect the rate of reaction of catalase

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 Investigating into how the surface area of a potato can affect the rate of reaction of catalase


Catalase is an enzyme found in plant cells (e.g. potatoes) and in tissues of most of the living organisms. Hydrogen peroxide is a metabolic by product in the cell which is converted to water and oxygen by catalase present within the peroxisome of the cell. The hydrogen peroxide needs to be broken down because it is poisonous.

2H2O2                                     O2            +          2H2O

    Hydrogen peroxide                           Oxygen                 Water

Catalase in an enzyme, which is a tertiary protein and has an active site in it to which a substrate can bind forming an enzyme substrate complex. When an active site of an enzyme has a specific shape, the substrate in which it has to bind with should also have a complementary shape, then only they can bind. This type of reaction is known as the lock and key theory¹ where the lock represents the enzyme and the key represents the substrate. Sometimes, the active site of the enzyme slightly changes shape to allow a substrate to fit in. this reaction is known as the Induced fit theory².

In both reactions, the substrate that enters the active site is broken down into two or more products. In order for the reaction to take place more easily, the enzymes have to lower their activation energy. Throughout the reaction, the shape of the enzyme and its active site doesn’t shape.


    Induced fit theory²

Lock and key¹

Image¹- Google image- ‘enzymes lock and key theory’ Image²- Google image- ‘induced fit’

7Factors affecting the rate of an enzyme reaction:-

  • Temperature
  • Concentration of catalase
  • Surface area
  • Concentration of substrate
  • pH
  • Enzyme inhibitors

How temperature affects rate

Rate of reaction at low temperature will be slow. The collision between the substrate, molecule and the active site may not be so often. As you increase the temperature, the collision between the substrate molecule and the active site becomes more frequent therefore increasing the rate of enzyme reaction. However, if the temperature goes over the optimum temperature (usually 40°C), the enzymes begin to vibrate vigorously, breaking the hydrogen bonds and eventually becoming denatured. This then causes the reaction to slow down, and then stop.

Controlling the temperature- to make sure that the room temperature is constant throughout the experiment, I am going to use a thermometer to observe whether there are any changes in the room temperature.

How the pH affects the rate?

Neutral pH is the most common pH at which most of the enzyme works best. When a solution becomes too acidic or alkali, the enzyme becomes denatured.

How surface area affects the rate of reaction?

Increasing the surface area of the enzyme, will increase the chance of a collision between a substrate molecule and an enzyme, therefore increasing the rate of reaction. The graph shows that the surface area is proportional to the rate of reaction. This will be my input variable for the experiment, changing the surface area of the potato.

Temperature and surface area graph- own source          pH graph from Google image

How concentration of substrate affects rate

When the concentration of substrate is increased, the rate of enzyme reaction will also increase. When there is more substrate, there is more chance of it binding with an active site. But if there is too much of substrate concentration, not all of it can bind with the active site, because all the active site may be filled by a substrate.

Controlling the concentration- the solution has to be measured carefully in order for the experiment to produce accurate results. The volume and the concentration have to be the same. This can be done by checking the measurement of the hydrogen peroxide form the measuring cylinder at eye level.

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Enzyme inhibitors

Non-competitive inhibitors¹ change the shape of the active site, preventing it from binding with substrates. The inhibitor joins to the enzyme anywhere but the active site, this is how the shape of the active site changes. Therefore the enzyme reaction is stopped.

However, if the inhibitors are competitive² for an active site by increasing the substrate concentration, the substrate can bind with an active site, like it normally does.

Non-competitive inhibitor¹


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