Investigating LDRs

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Investigating LDRs

A light dependent resistor is a resister that depends on the amount of light shining on it.


I will be investigating how much of a current that flows through the resistor depends on the amount of light that is shining on the LDR.


My prediction for this coursework is that the more the further that I move the LDR from the light the weaker the current will be on the milliammeter.


The equipment that I will be using will be:



Cell (battery)

Meter Ruler


Power Pack

4 Leads

Component Clip


Step by Step

I will be working in a pair. I will set up a circuit that will measure the amount of light that will shin on the LDR.I will be taking 8 reading of different distances. We will be repeating each concentration three times so all together we will have 24 sets of results. This will make it a fair test.
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I will be changing the amount of light going to the LDR by moving the LDR further away from the light that means that I will be changing the distance. I will by measuring the current that flows thought the circuit by using a milliammeter. To get a reading the light has to shin on the LDR (semi conductor) this will let free the electrons, which lets the current flow throw the circuit to the milliammeter

I will make this a fair test by repeating each distance three times and this will also make the readings more ...

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