Investigating the resistance variation of filament bulbs.

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Circuit Diagram


Power supply        To provide the power (in 3-12 volts)

Variable Resistor                To adjust the current to get the most suitable values

Filament bulb        To investigate the resistance variation in a 6v, 0.06A bulb

Ammeter        To measure the current through the bulb (up to 10A, 2 decimal places)

6 Connecting wires         To connect the circuit

Voltmeter        To measure the voltage across the bulb (up to 20V, 2 decimal places)


  • Don’t have a current to large as it can damage the equipment
  • Avoid a short circuit
  • Switch apparatus off if it becomes too hot
  • Don’t go near electrical equipment with wet hands
  • Be careful with equipment

Fair Test

To keep this experiment a fair test I will use the same apparatus and the same bulb, because results may differ with other equipment, so by using the same I am avoiding anomalous results.


I will do the experiment twice so I can compare the results to see if the trends are the same and avoid anomalous results.


The first thing I will do is collect all of my equipment. I will then connect the equipment to make the circuit. Next, I will measure the current (in amps) through the bulb and the potential difference (in volts) across the bulb. To get a good range off results I will change the voltage of the power supply (from 3-12V) and move the variable resistor. After doing this experiment once I will then wait for my apparatus to cool down and do it again. I will then record my results and find the resistance of the bulb by dividing the potential difference by the current. From my results I will draw a graph with two lines, one being my first experiment and the other my second. This way I will be able to see how reliable my results are.

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I think when the bulb starts to get hotter the molecules in the bulb with vibrate faster, so it will be harder for the molecules to get through, therefore the resistance will increase. The resistance of the bulb at normal temperature is 6V/0.06A, which is 100 ohms, so if the filament bulb gets colder this will decrease, however if gets hotter it will be more than 100 ohms. Before doing the experiment I found out a resistor graph is a diagonal, positive straight line, when at a constant temperature, so if the temperature increases the gradient will ...

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