Investigation for the effect of disinfection on bacterial growth

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Francesca Tate                10D

Investigating the effect of disinfectant on bacterial growth:

There are various ways on destroying micro organisms.  Antiseptics, disinfectants, heat sterilisation, heat treatment, radiation and antibiotics are all ways of killings micro organisms outside the body.

I am going to investigate the effect of disinfectant on bacterial growth.  The definition of a disinfectant is a chemical that kills micro organisms.  There are many different types of disinfectant; Milton’s, tcp, dettol, demestos, alcohol and bleach.  I am going to investigate the effect of one particular disinfectant.  Ethanol.  Ethanol is used in medical wipes and as an antiseptic.  Ethanol kills organisms by denaturing their proteins and dissolving their lipids (fats).  These fats are found in the cell membrane.

Bacteria are small, single cell organisms that are big enough to be seen under the light of a microscope.  There are many different types and can be located almost anywhere.  A bacteria cells consists of a cell membrane, inside this membrane is a fluid called cytoplasm.  At the centre of the cell is a string of DNA.  Attached to the cell are sometimes flagella, these help the cell to move.  Bacteria divide by mitosis; bacteria can roughly double their population in just 20 minutes.  This leads to colonies forming and these colonies are visible.  These visible colonies are the things I will be counting.  

The bacteria I am going to use is E coli (Escherichia coli).  A common type of bacteria, which normally lives in the body in your intestines where it helps your body break down and digest food.  When the E coli moves from your intestines into other parts of your body you can get sick.  Symptoms of E coli poisoning include fevers, chills, bad cramping, stomach pains, vomiting and diarrhoea. 

I intend to vary the concentration of ethanol and use this to determine the optimum concentration to prevent the growth of E coli on agar jelly.

So this leaves me with an improved investigation title:

Investigate the effect of ethanol concentration on the growth of E coli.

Aim: To find the optimum concentration needed to destroy E coli living on agar jelly.

Prediction:  As the concentration increases the number of colonies formed will decrease.

I predict that as the concentration (x axis) goes up the

Number of colonies counted (y axis) will go down.  This

Is because there will be more ethanol particles in the

Disinfectant and therefore more particles to denature the

Proteins and lipids on the cell membrane of the bacterium

cells, therefore denaturing the bacteria cells altogether.

The cell membrane, which now can no-longer function

Correctly causes the cell to denature.  The purpose

Of a cell membrane is to control what is passing in and

Out of the cell such as water or nutrients.  The cell membrane being unable to function correctly means that the cell will not be able to absorb what is “truly” needs to multiple and/or survive.

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I selected equipment that I could use to carry out my experiment.

  • Bunsen burner
  • 6 sterile test-tubes and bungs
  • 1 bottle of sterile water
  • 1x1cm³ syringe
  • 2x10cm³ syringes
  • Beaker of disinfectant (swabbing)
  • Bottle of disinfectant – 70% alcohol
  • 1 nutrient broth culture of E coli bacteria
  • 1 inoculating loop
  • 1 piece of tissue
  • 1 stop clock
  • 11 agar plates
  • 1 marker pen
  • Sellotape and scissors

I carried out a preliminary experiment.

This experiment was done initially to determine the type of disinfectant I was going to use for this experiment and the sort of ...

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