Investigation into the elasticity of a set of springs under different conditions.

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Investigation into the elasticity of a set of springs

under different conditions.

Aim: -

        To compare the effects of a load an a set of springs in series and in parallel.

  F = Loan (N)

  x = Extension (m)

In order to alter the shape of a spring you need a pair of forces. These forces can either act towards each other known as compression, or they can act away from each other known as tensile. Shown in the picture, we can work out a springs stiffness quite simply. When a load is applied to the spring it stretches producing a extension value from its original length. With this value we can work out the “Springs constant” which is a notation of how stiff the spring is.

F = Kx

K = spring Constant (Nm  )

x = Extension (m)

F = Load (N)

This is Hookes law. We can also work out spring constant using a graph, doing so would improve our accuracy of our results as it takes into account an average of all our results: -



                     K =

change in y

change in x

        Gradient =

a = F α  x

b = elastic limit - deformed                permanently

c = Energy stored this can be worked out by using:-

        E = 0.5Fx

                 Area of a right angled

As the extension increases from the load being pulled down by gravity it gains energy, (Gravitational potential energy) this is converted into elastic energy in the spring, when the load is removed this energy is released, the spring snaps back to its original form. Demonstrating elastic deformation. Beyond this point, the elastic limit, there is plastic deformation. This is when the spring doesn’t return to its original shape. More specifically to our experiment we are investigating the effect of the extension when 2 springs are in parallel.

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If the springs follow Hookes law then the graph that should be produced should resemble the graph to the left. Showing that as the load increases the extension will increase proportionally. But this only resembles a single spring on its own. Having springs in parallel or in series will effect  the springs constant.

I predict that the springs in parallel will half the spring constant and when the springs are in series the springs constant should double. This is because when the load is kept constant and the extension is decreased then the springs constant is increased. ...

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