Investigation of a light dependant resistor.

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Investigation of a light dependant resistor

Light dependant resistors or LDRs are resistors which alter their resistivity according to a particular light level. I am going to find out how these work and use them in a context so I can use them to locate a light source. To do this I must firstly find out how light effects the LDRs and then use this data to try and create something in order to detect a light source and locate it.


As you can see from these results as the light intensity increases, the resistance decreases. I need to find the range of light levels the LDR can detect and distinguish how sensitive it actually is. The maximum resistance  it is possible to get from the LDR is 550kΩ. This is when there is maximum light shining on the LDR. The minimum resistance that is possible is 0.90kΩ. This is when the LDR is submitted to complete darkness.

        To Use these LDRs effectively, I need to use two of them connected in series, and as the light moves across form one to another the resistance should decrease in the LDR that has more light shining on it and increase on the one in relative darkness compared to another one. The voltage placed across the resistors and the current flowing through must be the same because it is the same circuit. As we know, The resistance is the voltage divided by current. The resistance over the two LDRs must remain constant but it is how this resistance is divided up between the two that is important. The resistor with the light shining on it should have a low resistance, while the resistor with no or less light should have a higher resistance.

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I am going to use two LDRs connected in series on a piece of card  at varying distances apart to find the effect of the light shining on them. This is the circuit that I am going to use.

Circuit diagrams

        As you can see when the light levels are the same, the voltages are the same.


When the light levels are different, the voltages are different but it still adds up to 12v overall. The voltage is the same, it is just shared out differently. When the light level ...

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