Is there a relationship between the girth of a tree trunk and the percentage cover of lichen?

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Joshua Kearsley


Is there a relationship between the girth of a tree trunk and the percentage cover of lichen?

Experimental Hypothesis:

The greater the girth of the tree trunk, the greater percentage cover of lichen.

Null Hypothesis:

The girth of the tree trunk will have no impact on the percentage cover of lichen.

        The independent variable is the girth of the tree trunk. It will be measured using a measuring tape as it can be wrapped around the tree trunk to get an accurate measurement, whereas a ruler cannot be wrapped around the tree trunk. The independent variable will be changed by examining different trees, as each tree will have a different girth, therefore changing the independent variable.

        The dependant variable is the percentage cover of lichen on the tree trunk. It will be measured using a ten square by ten square, acetate quadrat. This type of quadrat has been selected because it can be manipulated to follow the shape of the tree trunk. Also, having one hundred intersections in the ten square by ten square quadrat gives a particularly accurate result and automatically provides the result in a percentage. Using a metal quadrat would be limiting as it could not be manipulated to follow the shape of the trunk and using a ladder quadrat would give less accurate results as there are less intersections, or squares to count from.

        Only one species of tree shall be examined – sycamore trees. This eradicates any influence that could be made by varying amounts of lichen growing on different species of trees, narrowing down the variables to be controlled.

        Light intensity cannot be controlled, however it can and will be measured. Measuring light intensity could well indicate whether there is a photosynthesis component involved, which would add detail to the results and subsequent conclusions. It will be measured at each tree using a light meter. Light intensity will be measured at the one meter point on the north mark on all trees.

        The sampling method used will be systematic. A marker tree will be established and each aspect, North, South, East and West, will be marked on this tree using chalk. At each aspect a ten meter belt will be followed, creating a four point star shape of area that will be covered. All sycamore trees that are seen will be examined.



  • 5 meter rope
  • 5 meter tape measure
  • Compass
  • 10x10 acetate quadrat
  • 1 meter ruler
  • Stick of chalk
  • Tree species guide
  • Light meter


1. Locate a sycamore tree: find a distinctive marker tree and walk from each aspect from that tree. Trees that come into five meters either side of the path followed should be examined as they are arrived at. Sycamore trees have fairly large, five point leaves that have been known to show similarities with the shape of a hand, the species guide should be used if necessary. All trees that are seen must be examined to eliminate experimenter bias.

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2. Once a sycamore tree has been located, place a one meter ruler against the trunk of the tree and tie a rope around the trunk at the one meter point. A one meter ruler has been selected as it can be pushed against the trunk of the tree and the point of measurement is one meter. Measure the girth of the tree trunk using a measuring tape at this one meter point as a measuring tape can be wrapped around the trunk of the tree, whereas a ruler cannot.

3. Use a compass to identify the ...

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Punctuation, grammar and spelling all to a very high level.

Consider the different variables and how it will measure than well. Considers the use of different quadrats and discusses why they have chosen the method they have. Attempts to remove any confounding factors that could influence the results by measuring them. Uses an adequate statistical test. The experiment was successful and proved the experimental hypothesis which was then explained scientifically and was supported by the results and the statistical test. Also expands on each answer by determining other affects such as light intensity and aspect that could affect the lichen growth on the tree which demonstrates a deeper analysis and understanding from the candidate. Uses the evaluation to point out errors and suggest improvements which also supports a deep level of analysis. Could have expanded and improved the analysis by using more than one type of statistical test and using graphs to support the data. It would also have been a good idea to devise a conclusion separate to the evaluation.

Very well done piece of coursework. The first thing I notice is that there is no introduction to this piece which should set out the scientific context and reasoning behind the investigation and what the candidate is setting out to do. Main body of the text is very good, as is the evaluation. Should have included a separate conclusion. The response overall to the investigation is to a very high level and the response from the candidate is clear to read.