Learning about the structure of the CRO Repressorprotein

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Khabil Miah        CRO Repressor Protein        

Learning about the structure of the CRO Repressor protein

As we all know; a proteins structure can be found in the cell wall in a bacteria or a membrane of eukayrotic, extracellular matrise. They function as enzymes or catalysts to either speed up or slow down a chemical reaction. These proteins produce antibodies within the cell immune system for protection against harmful cells. Other functions include the transport and storage of protein molecules and also control the growth and differentiation.

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Cro and Repressor are part of the lysogenic/lytic growth switch mechanism in bacteriophage and function through transcription regulation at operons.

DNA binding is conducted as a homodimer. Each monomer interacts with a pseudo-symmetric half-site.

Repressor proteins - the monomers have a two-domain structure:

  • N-terminal domain: a 69 residue DNA-binding domain known as R1-69. It is a 5-helix bundle with helices 2 and 3 forming a helix-turn-helix motif.
  • C-terminal domain: the domain mediates dimerization.

434 Cro protein - a single domain protein with a homologous structure to R1-69. Helices 4 and 5 provide ...

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