Measurement of the resistivity of Nichrome

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Measurement of the Resistivity of Nichrome (NiCr)


In this coursework, I am going to measure the resistivity of Nichrome.

Nichrome is a non-magnetic alloy of nickel and chromium. It is a good conductor of electricity and heat, and has a high melting point. Due to its relatively high resistivity and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures, the wire made of Nichrome is widely used in heating elements, such as in hair dryers, electric ovens and toasters.

What does Resistivity mean?

Resistivity (also known as electrical resistance) is a measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. It is normally static and could be varied by changing the temperature. In general, resistivity of metals increases with temperature, while the resistivity of semiconductors decreases with increasing temperature.

High values of resistivity imply that the material making up the wire is very resistant to the flow of electricity. Low values of resistivity imply that the material making up the wire transmits electrical current very easily.

The unit of resistivity is the ohm meter (Ω m).

The resistivity ρ (rho) of a material is given by

  • ρ is the static resistivity (measured in ohm metres, Ω·m);
  • R is the electrical resistance of a uniform specimen of the material (measured in ohms, Ω);
  • L is the length of the piece of material (measured in metres, m);
  • A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen (measured in square metres, m²).

From this equation, I can see that the resistivity will be the resistance over length multiplied by the cross-sectional area.

I rearranged the equation and substituted into the straight line equation as is shown below.

y = mx + c

R = ρL /A  RL


The value of resistance of the material is depends on the value of the length. So Length (independent variable) is put into the x-axis, and Resistance (dependent variable) is put into y-axis.

If the length equals 0, there must be no resistance. Hence the straight line should pass the origin (c = 0).

R is proportional to L; therefore the greater the length, the higher the electrical resistance would expect to be.

From the graph above, it is easily to see that the gradient = R / L

So ρ = gradient × A


As Nichrome is a good conductor of electricity, it will have extremely low resistance compared to normal resistors. In order to get an appreciable and accurate resistance, the specimen I use must be long enough and thin enough. Therefore I am going to use two 1-metre-long Nichrome wires with different gauges as the experimental material.

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  • Wire A ─ 28-gauge Nichrome wire
  • Wire B ─ 32-gauge Nichrome wire

The following method was used to gain the data.

How to measure the cross-sectional area of the wire?

The cross-sectional area can be worked out by the formula:


So I just need to work out the diameter of the wire.

  1. I stuck two wires separately onto two rulers. Make sure both wires started from 0cm then ended at 100cm on the rule.

  1. I checked the micrometer screw gauge, whether the zero is coinciding ...

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Quality of writing - Is the writing accurate in terms of spelling, grammar and punctuation? Has the writer used technical terms expected at this level of qualification? To what extent does the writer follow conventions and expectations for written work at this level? Spelling and grammar are of a very good standard. The layout was very good. However, I think it would be good if all the pages were numbered. In addition, referencing should try and follow "Harvard referencing"

Level of analysis - To what extent does the writer show appropriate analytical skills for this level of qualification? Have they made evaluative judgements using suitable evidence? Have these examples been developed throughout the response and has an appropriate conclusion been reached? The scientific language behind the report is correct. Units were consistent throughout the writers report. The writer could discuss precision and accuracy in more detail. But a very well produced report.

Response to question - To what extent has the student answered the set question? How explicit is their response? The writer has approached the set title very well and therefore produced a very high standard lab report. It was nice to see that the writer before he had started explaining the experiment they were doing, decided to go through all the theory that was involved in both experiments they were planning. It was also good that the writer explained what resistivity was and how it can affect materials. It was very good that the writer looked at the equations they were using and how it could be related to the standard equation of a straight line. The discussion of the actual experimentation was at a really high standard. It was very good that the writer explained as he chose particular apparatus to take particular measurements. Diagrams of the set up are of a high standard. At first, it wasn't clear why the writer was calculating the mean and standard deviation as it wasn't explained in the theory. Although it was used later when calculating the error, this calculation should have been explained beforehand or calculated the the topic of error was in discussion. Graphs where drawn to a high standard, where error bars were used in the correct way. Although it is an accurate graph, if you have access to a better graph drawing program (such as QTIPlot) then use it. However, the graphs are really good. Conclusion is written very well and looks at the reasoning as to why their values of resistivity might not have been the value quoted from one of their sources. However, a recommendation is when you are sourcing/referencing, try to use websites such as Wikipedia to the minimum.