Measuring Young modulus of copper

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Physics TAS Full Report

D1:Measuring Young modulus of copper



-To show that solid matter (copper wire) obeys Young modulus by finding the relationship between the load which is loaded at the end of the wire and extension of the copper wire.

-To show that solid matter (copper wire) obeys Hooke’s law in elastic deformation condition.



  1. A micrometer screw gauge is used to measure the diameter d of the wire at 2 or 3 different points along its length and is taken the mean value.
  2. The apparatus is set up on the bench as shown above. Be fixed an adhesive label on the wire as a marker.
  3. Original length l of the wire from the wooden blocks to the marker is measured before be added slotted mass to the wire.
  4. The wire is loaded in steps and be recorded the extension e produced.
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Data Analysis and Results

  1. Measurements of the diameter of wire

Mean diameter of wire d = 0.0003m

  1. Measurements of the original length of wire

  1. Measurements of the extension of the wire with load and hanger(0.0996kg)

4. Graphs of load against extension

-1st measurement (failure)

-2nd measurement*


-3rd measurement*

 * The red points are the centroids of slope of straight line 

5.  Estimation of the elastic limit from the graphs

  %strain = (extension/original length) x 100%

  1. Measurement of slope of the graphs

Slope of graph = load/extension

  1. Young’s modulus ...

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