Mobile Phones - A curse or a boon?

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Mobile Phones – A curse or a boon?

Since the beginning of time man has been inventing things; the bike, the car, the radio, the television, the telephone, the computer but the most recent invention to have taken the world by storm has to be the mobile phone. Originally a large, heavy, black box with an even larger protruding aerial, mobile phones were not widely used but today they are a must-have fashion accessory, and with coloured fascias, aerials, covers, logos and ring-tones available, its no surprise that children as young as eight are now asking Santa for an Ericsson PF768 or Motorola Wing Timeport V.550.

With recent advances in technology WAP services have been provided on mobiles and in Japan they have fitted a video camera into the ever decreasing in size hand held phenomena. It is safe to say that mobiles have taken over, making it impossible to travel without hearing a dull-tone version of the number 1 tune blasting in your ear followed by, “Hello? I’m on the train!”

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There are many stories of lives being saved when someone suffers a heart attack whilst in the middle of nowhere and the victim is rescued because their companion rang the emergency services on their mobile. This is one reason why so many people own mobiles – security. The young and old are reassured that by owning a mobile, help can be on its way in the touch of a button if an emergency situation were to crop up.

However, owning a mobile may increase your chances of being mugged. Recent figures have shown that street crime is up ...

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The information is laid out clearly and the candidate has suitably split the essay into relevant sections, which allows the essay to flow, making it easier to read. Furthermore technical terms are used appropriately and there are very few grammatical errors and no noticeable errors with spelling.

It is clear that the candidate has undergone independent research to discuss both sides of this topic as they discuss current scientific research, trends and even statistical data. This helps clarify their points and makes the essay more enjoyable to read. Though you should write up a bibliography to state any webpages, books etc that you take information from. Unfortunately, despite the fact that the candidate provides a lot of information, they fail to properly discuss the science behind the danger of mobile phones. Therefore this essay could have been improved by providing information on microwaves and how they interact with matter. Finally the candidates conclusion could be better, it doesn’t include any personal opinions and the candidate has not summarised their key points, which is often essential when drawing an essay to a close.

The candidate gives a detailed, lively and interesting response to this question. The information provided is clear, they have argued both sides of the situation, they have included personal opinions and even manage to inject a little humour into the essay. Though this isn’t always recommend, it is appropriate in this case as the essay is meant to be light-hearted. In addition, the candidate’s introduction is engaging and clearly states the topics they plan to discuss.