Nature vs. Nurture - And its affect on intelligence, personality, and behavior

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Nature vs. Nurture

And its affect on intelligence, personality, and behavior

Neerav Shah

IB Diploma student

Extended Essay Draft 2

Mentor: Mrs. Shangraw

Due January 8, 2003

Table of Contents


Research Thesis: In the controversy surrounding the topic of nature vs. nurture, it is both the hereditary (natural) factor, and the environmental (nurture) factor that plays a role on a human’s intelligence, personality, and behavior.

Scope of Investigation: In this research paper, the aspects of both nature and nurture were compared with an unbiased perspective. First, the background of both nature and nurture were given. This included definitions and what is incorporated under each category. Next, the natural (or genetics) aspect was discussed. In the first part of this, the affect of nature on intelligence was discussed. Within this first segment, case studies and various other scientific experiments were discussed. After a mini conclusion on this segment, the effect of nurture (environment) on intelligence was discussed. Under this segment, case studies and various other scientific investigations were discussed. Another mini conclusion followed after this segment. An introduction to personality and behavior then followed. Next, the affect of nature on personality and behavior was discussed. Within this segment, scientific facts incorporated with case studies and investigations were discussed. This was followed by another mini conclusion. Next, the effect of nurture on personality and behavior were discussed. This again included various case studies and investigations. This was followed by a mini conclusion. Finally, an overall conclusion and how it tied in with the thesis as well as various other aspects was discussed.

Conclusion: In conclusion, it was found that both nature and nurture affect and play a role on a human’s intelligence, personality, and behavior. Due to the fact that this is an ongoing debate and that research is still in progress, a conclusion was made from data already known and acquired.


Evaluation of Sources

Nature vs. nurture has been an oscillating controversy in the field of psychology for many years. Does one inherit genes, or are one's genes affected by the environment? This question has been the focal point in the field of psychology for decades. As more and more case studies are coming out with results, a clearer picture comes into view. The "picture" portrays how the blend of both nature and nurture affects human growth and development. The basis of nature is the principle that people have their personalities engraved inside their genes, which are inherited by their parents.  The basis of nurture is that the environment plays a big role in the development of a person’s personality. Both nature and nurture, therefore, play a crucial role as the determining factors of one's intelligence, personality, and behavior.

        Nature (heredity) plays an important role on one's intelligence. Many case studies that have been conducted concluded in very similar results. One case study, for example, measured the IQ of people with different relationships. These relationships included identical twins, fraternal twins, adopted children and their biological parents, and adopted children and their foster parents. The results were very conclusive. It was found that identical twins have very similar IQ's, fraternal twins have similar IQ's, adopted children and their biological parents have similarly IQ's, and adopted children and their foster parents have varied IQ's in relation to similarity. This could be for a number of reasons. One of these many reasons could be that nature, relating to genes, plays an important role on the intelligence of a person. Identical twins (share the same genes) and fraternal twins (sharing half of the same genes) having very similar IQ's showed that genes do in fact play a crucial role in one's intelligence. Although the technique of IQ testing is questionable as it may change over time, the results were found over an array of people, thereby providing more accurate conclusions.

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        Through the completion and in-depth analysis of a number of case studies on twins, it was shown that nature does indeed play an important part on one’s intelligence. The presences of certain traits that enhance intellectual ability are passed on in the form of genes. As new research comes out, it is being shown that genes can be altered, which means that although the presence of these desirable traits are found in genes, it is not always guaranteed that they will be passed on. Another way to look at the same point is that genes can alter so that the ...

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A well-structured account of the current debate concerning the role of a person's genes and environment in determining their intelligence, personality and behaviour. The strengths of the essay are to be found in the latter stages where many of the writer's assertions are supported by a number of relevant case studies. The reader is encouraged to draw their own conclusions from these investigations. Quite rightly, the writer points out that, since much of the research is on-going, it is too early to draw definitive conclusions. The jury is still out! In the first part of the essay, however, there are a number of rather sweeping generalisations which are not supported by evidence derived from scientific investigations. Overall, however, the writer communicates a real interest in the subject and gives the reader considerable food for thought.