Nerve tissue of vertebrates consists of:-


Described as unipolar, bipolar and multipolar, according to how many processes project from the cell body.

Investigating the nerve impulse

When the nerve is stimulated an impulse passes along the nerve from the site of the stimulus.  This consists of a wave of electrical current called an ‘Action Potential’.  Effect can be displayed on an oscilloscope.

Impulse travels at a definite velocity (e.g. frog 25m sec-1 ).  Velocity falls with a decrease in temperature.  

Majority of axons extremely fine, rarely exceed 20 μm in diameter. (Squid contains a series of giant axons 1mm diameter - so these often used in experiments).

There is a difference in potential of 60 millivolts between the inside and outside of the neuron (inside - 60mv).  This polarity is known as the resting potential.  Stimulation of a receptor causes a rapid depolarisation of the resting potential and is called the action potential (inside + 60mv positive compared to outside).

Properties of nerves and nerve impulses


In normal circumstances, impulses are set up in nerve cells as a result of excitation of receptors.  (However, an axon can also be executed by direct application of any appropriate stimulus that causes local depolarisation of the membrane, e.g. electrical, mechanical).

All or Nothing Law:

If stimulus above threshold, a full sized potential is produced; further increase in intensity does not give a larger potential, i.e. all or nothing.

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Refractory Period:

After an axon has transmitted an impulse it is impossible for it to transmit another one for a short period - known as the refractory period.  Axon has to recover, ionic movements have to occur and membrane has to be repolarised - lasts approx. 3 millisecs.

  • Absolute refractory period - axon completely incapable of transmitting an impulse.

  • Relative refractory period - possible to generate an impulse provided stimulus stronger than usual.

This determines frequency at which an axon can transmit impulses - range from 500 - 1000/sec/

A strong stimulus produces a ...

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